Have knee injury but want to start sus 250 before fully recovered.


New member
I'm 36 and been lifting for 20 yrs, very consistantly for the last 16yrs. I did some test in my twenties - 1st time at 22 and then again at 25, both times for 16wks at a time. I did some power lifting meets in my twenties and got great results from the test I tried. I recently got 40cc of sustanon 250 and was very amped to try it out but suffered a knee injury. I broke my knee cap (patella) and partailly tore my patellar tendon and I'm scheduled for knee surgery in less than two weeks. My question is -- after I can get back to the gym (2 wks) I'm thinking to do everything but legs - I know the first few weeks willl be rough but pain's not that big a deal to me. Anyway, I want to start a 12 to 16wk run with this 250 but doing legs won't be a part of the mix. Can I get decent gains without the staples; squat, deads, etc? I can hardly wait to try this stuff out!! Opinions please...
your gtg .. imo ! youll be like 90% of the guys workn out in there avoiding the sqt rack lol !! then you return you can get back to the man squats we powerlifters love gl !!
i have gone thru several acl reconstructions, i would wait til u start physical therapy to go on cycle. look into deca and HGH to speed recovery too. peptides can be the next best thing if quality hgh is unavailable.