Have questions about the Blue Top HGH from GD


New member
I've been searching and searching and cant find anything on the Blue Top product from GD. I trust them with everything they sell (I've purchased many times through them) but I am curious about the Blue Top HGH. I bought 300iu's and the first thing that struck me as odd is when I went to put my water in, it did not suck the water out of syringe like usual. That made me be kind of skeptical. Second thing is that it will leave a little hard lump on my injection site, it is gone by the next day but I still find that to be strange. And lastly is, when I put the water in, it takes a little while for it to completely mix. Little bubbles will stay in there for a little while...it does go away but again, I do find that to be strange. I normally get Riptropin and I've even had Hygetropin and neither one of these products do any of the things I previously posted. Again, I completely trust G-Depot, but this throws up red flags to me. The title for the product says that its "Potent" and I know they test their products but I wonder if something may have gotten by on em. I know the guy from GD does post on here, so if you would, please get back to me and let me know what you think.....as well as the rest of you guys.
Yea I agree with that. What exactly should I ask my doctor for? Also, how soon and how much do I need to inject before I go get blood work done? I was curious to see if anyone else on here has purchased the same product from the same place, just to get an idea. But I will definitely get the blood work done just to make sure.
gh serum test.. 10iu into the muscle two hours before..

do not drive yourself.. have someone go with you.. keep something sugary with you too.. chances are your blood sugar will drop
Ok awesome. Thanks for the good info man. I'll be sure to just bring some actual sugar with me. I suppose I could get them to do a thyroid test on me too. One more question, Im currently taking T3 but im about to run out, do u think T3 or T4 is better. Ive always stuck with T3 but never did research into the T4. Just another quick question if ya dont mind. Probably just gonna stick with what I know.
i have never ran t4.. i believe its good to run with tren if i recall correctly
Which is what Im doing. Im running Sus, Tren, Winny, Tren, Proviron, Aromasin, Var, T3, Clen (well not really, cant stand the shaking), and GH.

Damn, after re-writing that out, that seems like a ton of shit hahaha....getting close to ending my cycle tho...about another 1.5 months.....keeping on the GH for a good while tho...at least 6 months