Have to lay off for awhile


New member
I have injured my back again. I have been able to work through but I am not healing.

The Doc told me to lay off for awhile..

How long can you lay off before I start losing muscle. I would like to give 2 weeks a try but I have been geeting good results latley and I dont wannna stop.

I sure you guys can feel where I am coming from.

Any Thoughts
There is great thing called muscle memory. Just take the time you need to heal and don't rush it. You will quickly gain back any muscle you have lost.

I am back now about 6months from a pinched nerve injury. I am finally after a slow six months getting back to where I was. I had to take it real easy. Those 6 month off were horrible. I felt like I was shrinking, and yet at the same time getting fat.

I am not sure what I did now. I am pissed because I have been very careful. I guess at 36 I am getting old. My left Trap is swollen and I cant turn my head to the left or look up. I am going for PT 3 times a week. It feels ok if I am off for a fews days and then acts up the next day after the GYM.

I realize I need to take the time to heal and I am tring to work out some type of compromise. The most healing without slipping too far back in my program

I just finished 8 weeks of a MAX-OT program whick is very similar to the 5x5. I wanted to go another 4 weeks and then switch up. Oh well. Just in time for summer also
Man I know the feeling, I just turned 40 and I cant push it like I used to. Saturn is right, Take the time to heal 100% or a few months can turn into 6+ months or longer. A torn muscle/pinched nerve or blown disk are all possible if you push thru your injury and ignore your bodys signal to cool it.