Having rough time with anxiety and crazy thoughts after boldenone injection and ralox


New member
Its been two weeks since i stopped taking raloxifene and about 3 months since my last boldenone injection. Ive been having insane amounts of anxiety and racing thoughts for about a week. These thoughts scare me deeply and normally I would not think of things like this. Being someone who wants to be a criminologist these thought stem from things that i research and have a lot of knowledge about. It makes me very uncomfortable around people sometimes and I'm not sure how to handle this. If anyone had similar experiences and you know how to stop this anxiety and thoughts please help me out
Took a 600 mg injection of boldenone like a moron and took no test. I wound up developing gyno and took raloxifene for 3 or 4 weeks. I have had bloodwork but nothing for hormones or anything.
You need to get blood work done to see what your levels are.

You probably shut yourself down and need to do PCT asap.
See my signature below. Go to privatemdlabs and get the panel I list in the signature. Then we can see what is going on with your hormones. Hormone imbalances can cause anxiety. Of course, it very well could be you xanax usage. There are better sleep medications than xanax. Have you tried melatonin? It is not addictive.
Took a 600 mg injection of boldenone like a moron and took no test. I wound up developing gyno and took raloxifene for 3 or 4 weeks. I have had bloodwork but nothing for hormones or anything.

sounds like you need a benzo man. I'm no MD though,
Bloods ASAP. Don't stress more than needed, as you will get past this. I suffer majorly with OCD and anxiety. After bloods go talk with someone who might help calm you. Try to take your benzos responsibly but I understand anxiety. It can be true terror. EQ could do it but since your off id take this as a estradiol being off as well as test. If they are off you can feel like straight death lol. Keep your head up. This will pass. I know the pain so crossing my fingers for you homie!
Whoa whoa, has anyone not clicked he did EQ only and stopped, it has cleared out but no PCT has been done.

The answer to the anxiety is extremely obvious, you don't need a benzo, you need to do yourself a PCT and get bloodwork!

Benzos are useful tools, but not to be fucked with. In your case it is simply from being shutdown and you need to get your HPTA back up and running producing test. Low Test = anxiety amongst other issues.