HDL/LDL Cholesterol out of wack


New member
Stats: 33yo; 5'9"; 205 lbs, training for several years.

I finished a 15 week cycle (2nd cycle) at the end of December. Cycle was:

1-4 Dbol 30mg
1-15 Test Cyp 600 mg
1-15 Adex .5mg eod
1-15 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300 2X week
Proviron occasionally to help with libido

Started post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot consisting of

1-3 Chlomid 100 mg; Nolva 40 mg
4-6 Nolva 20 mg/day

I got my blood tested this week and Triglicerydes came in at 655, which are supposed to be under 150. HDL was 27, which should be greater than 39. LDL was also very high.

I watch my diet and run for 1 hr 4-5 times a week and lift weights for about an hour 5 days a week.

Before my first cycle about a year ago my lipid profile was normal.

Should these levels go down naturally since I finished the cycle, and if so, how long till they return to normal? If not should I take some sort of medication to get them back down to normal levels? Anyone else experience this?
get some flax seed bro. You said you watched your diet?
Wow, that doesn't seem right. I don't see anything unusual about your cycle that would have thrown your cholesterol levels out of the normal ramge like that. Plus you've been running nolva for 6 weeks which should improve them, and the cardio. I'll bump for some more informed bros, though.

I would start running some Niacin and Red Yeast Rice, and consider going to see a doctor.
I did go see a Dr., he is the one that ordered the blood work. I did not tell him that I was on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and don't really want to. He wants me to come in for another visit to discuss the bloodwork. He is probably going to wonder how the hell it got so high as much as I excercise and eat right. What should I tell him?

I was hoping that since I was off cycle this would correct itself, however, if I need medication to help lower it I want to take it.
srh said:
I did go see a Dr., he is the one that ordered the blood work. I did not tell him that I was on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and don't really want to. He wants me to come in for another visit to discuss the bloodwork. He is probably going to wonder how the hell it got so high as much as I excercise and eat right. What should I tell him?

I was hoping that since I was off cycle this would correct itself, however, if I need medication to help lower it I want to take it.

Don't tell him about your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. Lots of people have high cholesterol levels.
JT190 said:
Don't tell him about your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. Lots of people have high cholesterol levels.
Yeah but having your Triglycerides above 600 is fucked up, and a high LDL level. That's above and beyond. Unless the guy ate at McDonalds before he got his bloodwork done.
Were you fasting for at least 10 hours before your test? I would get it done again. Could be a lab problem.
I came off a cycle that finished with Winstrol (winny) and got my blod work done..the same levels were out of wack and I eat clean...hdl/ldl were all out of wack. I need to get retested, but I would bet from the gear and should normalize after, but I'm no doctor
No, I was not fasting when I had the bloodwork done. Would this make a big difference in the Triglyceride levels?
I was also doing some research on the net and read several articles that say Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is known to raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL. One article said that Anastrozole (Arimidex) would have no effect on cholesterol or maybe even help it.

This is exactly opposite of what my "Steroid Encyclopedia" states. Which one is correct??????
srh said:
I was also doing some research on the net and read several articles that say Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is known to raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL. One article said that Anastrozole (Arimidex) would have no effect on cholesterol or maybe even help it.

This is exactly opposite of what my "Steroid Encyclopedia" states. Which one is correct??????
Wrongola...you have that opposite. Adex is the culprit for this bro's bad lipid profile. Fish oils DRAMATICALLY lower triglycerides in most people. I'd take 10g/day for a 3-4 weeks followed by 5-6g daily after that for general health.
srh said:
No, I was not fasting when I had the bloodwork done. Would this make a big difference in the Triglyceride levels?
Big difference, but not to the numbers you're describing. AI's are bad on the lipids, listen to the bro's that are saying the same thing.
What was your hdl/chol ratio it should be under 5:1 and your LDL should be under 130. I believe these are better indicators of future heart disease in males.
First thing if you only had one test get it retested. I got a blood test for a life insurance policy and they told me it would be 200 dollars a month for the size policy i wanted because my cholsterol was so high. now, i know i have high cholesterol but not enough to be that high of a price, so I called and had them retest me. The 2nd test (which was less than 3 weeks later) was signifigantly lower (still high, but not nearly has high). I didnt eat anything since 8pm the night before both times. It was clearly a lab error so its def possible its a lab error. Also, the FDA recently approved using fish oils as a cholesterol lowering drug. My doctor prescribed Omacor to me which is basically fish oils and omega3 which is the same as what you can buy in a store, only its not mixed with anything else and has no heavy metals according to my doctor. I dont know how it compares to store brand versions but my cholesterol went from 300 to 278 in 3 months. Its worth at least asking your doctor about it.
The reason they are so high ( Tris) is , you have to totally fast 12 hrs before the test - mine are now at 146( properly fasted) but, was at 390 the last test ( 2 months ago) - I did not fast before that test.
Im not an expert but I would expect a huge difference from your test if you properly fasted before hand.
bryaninnj1 said:
First thing if you only had one test get it retested. I got a blood test for a life insurance policy and they told me it would be 200 dollars a month for the size policy i wanted because my cholsterol was so high. now, i know i have high cholesterol but not enough to be that high of a price, so I called and had them retest me. The 2nd test (which was less than 3 weeks later) was signifigantly lower (still high, but not nearly has high). I didnt eat anything since 8pm the night before both times. It was clearly a lab error so its def possible its a lab error. Also, the FDA recently approved using fish oils as a cholesterol lowering drug. My doctor prescribed Omacor to me which is basically fish oils and omega3 which is the same as what you can buy in a store, only its not mixed with anything else and has no heavy metals according to my doctor. I dont know how it compares to store brand versions but my cholesterol went from 300 to 278 in 3 months. Its worth at least asking your doctor about it.
300 to 278 is not even significant. You cana get it lower than that just by eating vegetables alone.
Like the guys said, lose the arimidex, watch your sugars and alcohol, and you may also want to watch your red meat intake. Red meat builds muscle, but it also can raise cholesterol levels. Your triglycerides seem way too high so I would ask for testing again to make sure it wasn't just some moron flunkie's error in the lab.