

New member
Holy shit! Anyone else running or ever run Helios before? Had a couple buddies who swore by it but im just giving it a go from GWP finally. I started off at .5 and about every 3 days bumped up .25. I've worked up to 1cc and just ended pretty much week 1 and already a complete difference. Planning on doing two weeks on two weeks off. Using for love handles and lower abs and I'm definitely leaning out and already beginning to see the veins in my lower abdomen protruding! Almost don't want to come off after week two since I'm using it to cut up for Mexico trip. Anyone run it straight through using Benadryl like you would on an extended Clen cycle?

Definitely using it in any cutting cycle moving forward.
I say give it a go man. I've taken tons of Clen during cutting cycles but this is less exspensive and much more effective. Gonna throw in some t3 just for the hell of it ;) but in reality this is prob my favorite cutter I've used. Not losing strength either but I'm keeping calories still kind of high and high protein. Just eating clean and results are amazing.
Is this still available to buy , preferably in the UK .. or is there another product on the market just as good.... cheers