Hello, I'm New


New member
HI im new to the forums. I am 21/m and i am intersted in learning more. Ive read alot of the newbie threads, and ive learnd alot. But I still dont feel comfortable yet. There is so much to learn and so much termanology i still dont understand.
So I am going to stick around for a while and keep on learning about all this!

I am 21, 160 lbs, Im very athletic, Only been lifting for about 2 years. I have been using creatine and ephedra for about 3 years now.
My goal is to get more defined lean muscle on my body, particualry i want a larger upperbody. I like to run so im not wishing to get huge.

Any tips, websites, topics to read, or advice, for someone like me Id love to hear about um. Thanks Yall
Welcome ... Stick around I guess if learning is your intention. Lots to learn! I learn something new every day.
Hi,welcome to the board!
like lawn said: you must read.
there are tons and tons of very good topics,almost about everything there is to know about AAS,training,diet..everything.
good luck!

Read, read, read!!

Go to the article board and start there!
i second the welcome and advice :)

dont forget the training forum as well .
welcome to the board..
take your time things will click sooner or later..there i no need to rush to get on a cycle..

as far as what you should be learning
-different esters
-how to cycle
-sides (important)

2.how to combat sides (Ancillaries)
-Aromatase Inhibitors (AI)

3.Post Cycle therapy (PCT)

our articles sections has a ton of things for you to read on these topics..its a lot to graps at first but its really kinda simple