HELP: 1st Injection Cycle! (Test E/Deca/D-Bol)


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HELP: 1st Injection Cycle! (Test E/Deca/D-Bol/Other)


I'm looking for help with my first steroid injection cycle. I have taken several OTC prohormones (oral) over the past few years, but this will be my first injection cycle.

Age: 26
Height: 5'9
Weight: 180
Bodyfat: 12-15%
Prohormone Usage: 1-AD (1-testosterone), Superdrol, H-Drol

Here is what I have on hand:
2 10 ml amps of Scrioxx Test E (250mg/ml)
2 10 ml amps of Sciroxx Deca (300mg/ml)
200 Sciroxx Dianabol
200 Anavar (not sure on brand, will post pics)
2 bottles of CEL X-Tren (19-Norandrosta-4,9 diene-3,17 dione) <-- this is the OTC prohormone, not actual tren

Please let me know what your suggestions are. I was thinking of going with one of the following:

Option (A)
Wk 1-10 Test E 500mg
Wk 1-8 Deca 250mg
Wk 1-4 Dianabol 30mg


Option (B)
Wk 1-10 Test E 500mg
Wk 1-8 X-Tren

I appreciate your feedback. Many thanks in advance! :)
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People at ology usually recommend that a first time cycle be testosterone only. The thinking is that if you have adverse side effects you know it is caused by the one steroid you are taking. You don't know how your body will react to test yet. Usually 500 mg per week of enanthate or cypionate is recommended and it is also suggested you keep an aromatase inhibitor (A.I.) or selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) on hand in case you see signs of gynecomastia. I see nolvadex recommended a lot for gyno. you can take 20 mg per day and up the dose to 40 mg per day if gyno starts. The nolvadex is a SERM and blocks the estrogen receptors in your breast tissue preventing gyno but does not lower your estrogen levels. It looks like you have enough test enanthate for a 10 week cycle. You can cycle for 10 weeks, wait 2 weeks aftere last injection for the enanthate to clear and then start pct. I use clomid 100 mg per day for 30 days for my pct and it seems to work good. I am pretty new to steroids. See what some of the more experienced people suggest for you. Good luck to you.
Thanks for the input guys. I was planning on ordering some Clomid and Nolvadex.

Should I run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Aromasin on cycle? Is that necessary for a test only cycle? Do I need HCG?

Technically, this isn't my "first" cycle so I was hoping to incorporate atleast one of my orals - either dianabol or OTC x-tren.

What other supplements do I need to counter side effects? I plan on running Anabolic Innovations "Cycle Support" as well as finasteride to prevent hairloss.

Let me know what you guys think.

Thank you.
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First cycle you should stick to a test only. You will see great gains from that alone, keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand incase you need it and run clomid or nolva 2 weeks after last pin.
keep it simple man, honestly you want to see how your body is going to handle each compound. Alot of people run the dbol at first but it just depends what you want, and honestly you bf is already in a good area for a test only. Highly recommend the usual first cycle.
1-12 test E 500mg(two pins of 250 twice aweek)
clomid or nolva 2 weeks after last injection if clomid 100x2 50x2

if your going to run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which i always do i would recommened doing it starting in week 2 but its up to you as some people agree that adding a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle can hinder gains. But in my book i would rather play it on the safe side as i am very pron to gyno.

What is your diet like? Diet is going to make up 75% of your gains, if your not right in the kitchen your not going to get what you should out of the cycle! Highly recommend getting a good diet going for about a month and just see how much more weight you can gain naturally and so you can get used to your new diet and adjust as needed.

my .02 cents hope this helps, good luck and eat like your starving everytime haha.
Thanks for the input guys. I was planning on ordering some Clomid and Nolvadex.

Should I run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Aromasin on cycle? Is that necessary for a test only cycle? Do I need HCG?

Technically, this isn't my "first" cycle so I was hoping to incorporate atleast one of my orals - either dianabol or OTC x-tren.

What other supplements do I need to counter side effects? I plan on running Anabolic Innovations "Cycle Support" as well as finasteride to prevent hairloss.

Let me know what you guys think.

Thank you.

Absolutely run Aromasin as any steroid that aromatizes means yes, you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Absolutely not run the Nolvadex. I'm actually saying that because it's garbage in my opinion. If you have Aromasin, you've got what you need as it's a suicide aromatase inhibitor. The SERM is useless. Yes order the Clomid and if you have the cash, go ahead and get the HCG as it will aid in recovery. Your PCT will look something like this. After your last poke, continue to run your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and use your HCG. You can figure out how to use up your HCG in about 7-10 days after your last poke. After you finish your HCG, then start your Clomid at 50mg ED for 3-4 weeks. Make sure to keep using your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while running HCG as it can induce gyno as well. Run your Aromasin at 12.5mg ED for starters and adjust as necessary.
Italiano.. what ya think about running the HCG 250iu 2x/wk throughout the 12 week cycle??

I'll answer this bro but make sure not to hijack threads but start your own thread next time. To answer your question, I know plenty of people who do that and are successful in recovering easier than had they not. If you got the $$ to do it, go for it. I do it here and there but I never come off so I just use it to keep the boys inflated mainly. That dose is fine though if you are going to do it.
keep it simple man, honestly you want to see how your body is going to handle each compound. Alot of people run the dbol at first but it just depends what you want, and honestly you bf is already in a good area for a test only. Highly recommend the usual first cycle.
1-12 test E 500mg(two pins of 250 twice aweek)
clomid or nolva 2 weeks after last injection if clomid 100x2 50x2

if your going to run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which i always do i would recommened doing it starting in week 2 but its up to you as some people agree that adding a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle can hinder gains. But in my book i would rather play it on the safe side as i am very pron to gyno.

What is your diet like? Diet is going to make up 75% of your gains, if your not right in the kitchen your not going to get what you should out of the cycle! Highly recommend getting a good diet going for about a month and just see how much more weight you can gain naturally and so you can get used to your new diet and adjust as needed.

my .02 cents hope this helps, good luck and eat like your starving everytime haha.

Thanks for your input man! I really appreciate it. I only have two 10 ml amps of Sciroxx Test E, so if I want to do a 12 week cycle I'll have to pick up another amp (no big deal).

Here is my diet:
7:30 AM: Protein Shake
9:30 AM: 5 Eggs, Whole Wheat English Muffin, Turkey Bacon
1 PM: Whole Wheat Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Broccoli, and Spinach in Garlic & Olive Oil Sauce
3:30 PM: Protein Bar/Snack
5:00 PM: Protein Shake
7:30 PM: Dinner (varies) - usually chicken, steak, fish with veggies
11 PM: Post-Workout Shake

I usually don't get til the gym til 9-10 PM at night, hence why my PWO shake is so late. Can you please critique my diet? For protein I usually go with Optimum Nutrition whey or Xtreme Formulations. Protein bars I eat VPX Zero Impact bars.

Absolutely run Aromasin as any steroid that aromatizes means yes, you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Absolutely not run the Nolvadex. I'm actually saying that because it's garbage in my opinion. If you have Aromasin, you've got what you need as it's a suicide aromatase inhibitor. The SERM is useless. Yes order the Clomid and if you have the cash, go ahead and get the HCG as it will aid in recovery. Your PCT will look something like this. After your last poke, continue to run your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and use your HCG. You can figure out how to use up your HCG in about 7-10 days after your last poke. After you finish your HCG, then start your Clomid at 50mg ED for 3-4 weeks. Make sure to keep using your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while running HCG as it can induce gyno as well. Run your Aromasin at 12.5mg ED for starters and adjust as necessary.

I will order some clomid and aromasin very soon. Not sure if my source can get HCG though, if not, I'll have to find another source.

So Aromasin is run 12.5mg ED throughout the entire 12 week cycle as well as the 3-4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct)? Please specify.

Thanks for your help guys! I'm really excited, but I want to make sure I have everything down first.
Thanks for your input man! I really appreciate it. I only have two 10 ml amps of Sciroxx Test E, so if I want to do a 12 week cycle I'll have to pick up another amp (no big deal).

Here is my diet:
7:30 AM: Protein Shake
9:30 AM: 5 Eggs, Whole Wheat English Muffin, Turkey Bacon
1 PM: Whole Wheat Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Broccoli, and Spinach in Garlic & Olive Oil Sauce
3:30 PM: Protein Bar/Snack
5:00 PM: Protein Shake
7:30 PM: Dinner (varies) - usually chicken, steak, fish with veggies
11 PM: Post-Workout Shake

I usually don't get til the gym til 9-10 PM at night, hence why my PWO shake is so late. Can you please critique my diet? For protein I usually go with Optimum Nutrition whey or Xtreme Formulations. Protein bars I eat VPX Zero Impact bars.

I will order some clomid and aromasin very soon. Not sure if my source can get HCG though, if not, I'll have to find another source.

So Aromasin is run 12.5mg ED throughout the entire 12 week cycle as well as the 3-4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct)? Please specify.

Thanks for your help guys! I'm really excited, but I want to make sure I have everything down first.

Aromasin is run throughout cycle and along with HCG, not throughout PCT. PCT starts after HCG. That dosage I gave you is a recommended starting dose and you can adjust as necessary.
Aromasin is run throughout cycle and along with HCG, not throughout PCT. PCT starts after HCG. That dosage I gave you is a recommended starting dose and you can adjust as necessary.

Gotcha. Is HCG absolutely necessary for a 12 week cycle of Test E or would Aromasin on-cyle + Clomid post-cycle suffice?

I'm really not too familiar with HCG. Do I have to mix it up myself and stuff or can I purchase it "as is"?
Gotcha. Is HCG absolutely necessary for a 12 week cycle of Test E or would Aromasin on-cyle + Clomid post-cycle suffice?

I'm really not too familiar with HCG. Do I have to mix it up myself and stuff or can I purchase it "as is"?

It's not necessary. You can still recover but HCG would help speed it up. If you don't have it, go with your clomid.
It's not necessary. You can still recover but HCG would help speed it up. If you don't have it, go with your clomid.

Thanks bro. I'm still interested in the HCG. Is it something you have to "brew" yourself or can you purchase it "as is?" Also, it's injected right so it's not available as a research chem, correct?
Thanks bro. I'm still interested in the HCG. Is it something you have to "brew" yourself or can you purchase it "as is?" Also, it's injected right so it's not available as a research chem, correct?

Correct. It's something you get as is and it's injected either sub q or intramuscular.
Your lack of basic cycling knowledge is scarey..test only then right ? Prohormone s are lame and don t count...
Your lack of basic cycling knowledge is scarey..test only then right ? Prohormone s are lame and don t count...

Okay... that is why I'm here because I'm looking for help. How do prohormones not count?

Instead of criticizing me how about you put in your input on a beginner cycle? 12 weeks of test e (500mg/wk) seems like the norm to me. Do you disagree? If so, what do you recommend?

I appreciate your input.
Okay... that is why I'm here because I'm looking for help. How do prohormones not count?

Instead of criticizing me how about you put in your input on a beginner cycle? 12 weeks of test e (500mg/wk) seems like the norm to me. Do you disagree? If so, what do you recommend?

I appreciate your input.

Prohormones don't count because they aren't a true cycle of AAS. Your beginner cycle of 500mg EW is a typical beginner cycle and one I'd recommend to anyone as their first cycle.