Help And Advise Plz!!?


New member
Hello to all the pros,

im new to this site so sorry if this question has been raised before or discussed.

i am 24, 5'9, weigh 62kg,ectomorph type body and frustrated!! coz i cant get big like i want to...

im currently on gear,been two weeks so far(12 week deca cycle) to try and help me shift some weight and put on some mass but it seems like i havent put on much still..i get the feeling this may be disheartening too.

i am using the 5x5 routine..well i switched to this when i read it on this site..i bench 41kg the most just forearms when pumped look good and so do biceps but after pump is gone back to normal...

Anyone out there can give me some good advice or couragement coz i feel like packing it in which i dont want to!:confused:

thanks again:(
recruite_r said:
Hello to all the pros,

im new to this site so sorry if this question has been raised before or discussed.

i am 24, 5'9, weigh 62kg,ectomorph type body and frustrated!! coz i cant get big like i want to...

im currently on gear,been two weeks so far(12 week deca cycle) to try and help me shift some weight and put on some mass but it seems like i havent put on much still..i get the feeling this may be disheartening too.

i am using the 5x5 routine..well i switched to this when i read it on this site..i bench 41kg the most just forearms when pumped look good and so do biceps but after pump is gone back to normal...

Anyone out there can give me some good advice or couragement coz i feel like packing it in which i dont want to!:confused:

thanks again:(

i dont understand your post.

are you thinking about stopping your cycle?
no not stopping cycle..i want to fininsh it but my point is i dont seem to be seeing much gains..maybe after cycle i may stop lifting altogether...thats if i dont see any good gains..
there could be so many reason why your are not growing....

what's your diet like?
how many cycle have you done ?
You need to eat more ......62 kg is what ?......136 lbs @ 5'9"

Considering you are only 2 weeks into your cycle, I would suggest you stop right now.
yeah man stop now. If your only benching 41kg (like 90 pounds), you should definatly gain more naturally. Not to be mean, but that sucks man, even for an ectomorph. You must have just started training. Either that or you are not training hard. I say mabye when you can get up at least 100kg naturally on the bench at your current weight or a little more, then start a cycle. Untill then try some OTC supps like creatine and glutamine (and definatly some weight gainer haha). But anyway, good luck, and if you don't want the gear, send it to me, haha.
HA HA thanks for the support guys! i dont think ill stop the gear, its my first cycle so i may aswell complete it...but i only took it and will only take gear the once just to give me a booster..

im eating 5 meals a day....and been training snce august last year on and off...had about 2months off in total..

theres so much info about training etc.. i read one thing like training regime and the next time i look i see something else and im always changing my routines/workouts..
ALL I REALLY NEED TO CONCENTRATE I THINK IS ON POST CYCLE WORKOUT TO KEEP GAINS..and i hope im doing the right workout now 5x5 split..mon/wed/thurs/fri
recruite_r said:
no not stopping cycle..i want to fininsh it but my point is i dont seem to be seeing much gains..maybe after cycle i may stop lifting altogether...thats if i dont see any good gains..

with that attitude you probably shouldnt even be taking aas.

you dont seem dedicated.
i am dedicated but theres alot of conflicting info out there, i work 12 hours a day mate..

is it not ok to eat 3 meals a day?? is that a definite no?
so i take its to be 5-6 meals a day...

ok so what kind of routine should i do without overtraining and building good mass??

i work 5 days for 12hrs considering tht..

let me know plz
stop the cycle boss. You sound really lousy. You don't have the diet down. You don't have the training down. You don't have the goals down. And you didn't even say if you're taking test with the deca, which you should be. And two wks into it you won't see gains, the gains will be bloat and you will definitely lose all your gains. EVEN with a proper post cycle. Why? because you don't have a base build, you don't know how to train, your diet sucks, and your goals are twisted.
at your weight, being 5'9...i do not see how you cant gain weight. I love how some people look to drugs immediatly before they even make an attempt gain something naturally. Heres a plan of action for you. Start with the diet forum. Gain some weight and then move up the board to the training forum. The 5x5 IMO is too much too soon for you bro. Just squat, dead, bench, maybe some secondary movements in there (look up pullinbig's stuff its great)... Make some more gains and keep on moving up to the articles forum. Read all that stuff and then come to the anabolic forum and ask these questions before you start your cycle.
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You got to eat more food!

Thats the bottom line. There is no escaping this. Make yourself a favour and stop the cycle.

No steroids or traning program in the world work if you dont eat sufficient.

5 meals a day to me is a minimum, I try to never dip under that. 6 is nice, but some people dont have the schedule to allow for it easily.

DOGGCRAP started out at I believe 137 pounds and was just under 300 last I heard, he eats 7k calories a day to simply MAINTAIN bodyweight.

If you aren't counting calories then you aren't even trying. Drugs aren't magic, and if the drugs did the job you can't do in the kitchen then you would lose it all when you came off anyway. Most people IMO that complain about losing gains, only eat hard during the cycle and not afterwards, I have made the mistake myself before with too significant a caloric cut.
hey what everyone is saying you, is workout for a consistant period. the key is consistancy, you can not workout here and there and expect anything. next really start reading the diet forum. you should be getting around 6000 calories a day. then read the training forum. after you have been working out for awhile then you can increase the work outs. also if you 5'9 and 140lbs you will hurt yourself with gear because your body will not be able to handle the gains, mainly the joints and ligaments. gear is not the answer to getting big. gear is very dangerous stuff if you do not know what you are doing. people arfe smart asses on the board sometimes, you have to take it with a grain of salt. stick around and learn and you will see that everyone here really is cool. we all try to look out for each other. take a step back and read learn, and in time you will get where you want to be.
ok guys..i appreciate your advice..but quite disheartening as i thought..massive 1 no need for the i said im looking for good advice..ok if i do stop the deca cycle then do i need to start taking nolva?? ive injected 400ml altogether so far whithin 2 weeks..or shall i just stop?? will my body go back to normal function again??

and if anyone has got a routine that i can stick with for abit plz let me know...i dont use the gym only free weights at home..

just advise is appreciated not criticism
