Help- My delt went numb after injection


New member
Did i hit a nerve or something, I injected 1 1/2 cc of EQ in my right delt. Did asparate, no blood at all. no pain when going in. what do you figured happened?
Hmmm. Somewhat of the same happened to my buddy today. He took his glute shot and afterwards he said his right leg (the side that was injected) was starting to feel numb. It ended up going away after we went to the gym and trained but he was kinda freaked out at first. My theory, and its basically an uneducated guess, is that the substance was injected fairly close to a nerve and the volume of oil was basically putting some pressure on the nerve in question. This I believe would be the cause of some numbness.

Better off waiting to hear from one of our Doctors though if I were you. As easy as they are, injections are not something to take lightly.
oh great! can an absess cause an infection? I had this numbness occur to me before in my left bicep. I injected 1 cc in my bi. went away though. Also do u guys think it is relatively safe to inject into the tricep 1 cc every monday and thursday? or will it cause the same effect?
Get Buffdoc please!!!! It is Tues morning and the swelling went down a little, its slightly red now. does not inch. and it slightly stings every now and then when i move my arm in an awkward position. help
dude i wouldent worrie about it my hole ass is num, every shot i take of this eth twice a week makes the area num and painful for about a week. your gear pro has a high BA content. and for some reason it is more painful sometimes than others
It sounds like a temporary nerve palsy, much like what Biggie was describing. I would imagine it'll gradually decrease over the next day or two. Let me know, but I wouldn't stress too much over it.
BTW, all you guys out there who worry about infection: IT TAKES TIME! You're not generally going to see an infection or abcess take hold in 24 or 48 hours. (unless you're injecting shit, literally). These symptoms are mostly local irritation and/or temporary embarrassment of nerve function.
is your whole delt numb??? or just the homebrew prop has about 7.5% BA in it and when I inject I get a little red spot on my delt and the skin seems to lose a bit of feeling, but I can still move my shoulder just's not the muscle it's just the skin with me??? is that what you're talking about?
Don't forget, BA has local anesthetic properties. Squirt a little on your tongue sometime and you'll see what I mean.
THANK YOU buffdoc! My symptoms are as follows:
-I have redness on part of my delt-where i injected
-slight stinging when i press down on it
-its shaped like a small lump
-does not inch
yo man it should be alrite i get the same thing everytime i inject but a little more pain than i think you got. the meatball will go away in a few days dont stress it
ripped1979 said:
THANK YOU buffdoc! My symptoms are as follows:
-I have redness on part of my delt-where i injected
-slight stinging when i press down on it
-its shaped like a small lump
-does not inch

I would put heat on it just to make sure. If the infection goes along your arm go in to the doc. I have had a few cases of false alarm, but believe me when the infection hits it hits hard. Those puncture infections hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. It is due to the endotoxin products produced by the localized infection.
Thanks for the support guys. I know it may sound like a pussy thing, but i just dont want to have to have my delt surgically removed, or have my freggin arm amputated. See how freggin paranoid I am.,!
Guys today it is not that swollen any more. Every time I move my shoulder though, it feels like there is a sticker on my shoulder. and the surface feels dry, has some small red dots, possibly from poking around