Help My GF Loose Some Fat


New member
It really isnt much, she is actually skinny IMO, and i dont want her to change, but what should i give her? I dont think im going to give her any aas, she doesnt need that, she needs a god diet and motivation. So what works for you ladies? It would be hard to keep this girl on a protein diet... she loves to eat, shes italian... what kind of tricks do you gals have up your sleeves?
She signed up for kickboxing and "booty-blast" at her gym.. hopefully that will help her with her self image and make her believe she is gorgeous again...
the kickboxing if she sticks to it and has a decent trainer will work well for her...

this girl i see here and there has joined...she wasnt fat she has a Great body but the kickboxing just firmed everything up...oh my...ive been seeing her more these days!!!!..

hope it all long as she does it FOR HERSELF!!!!..and she knows you like her the way she is....
When I started taking the kickboxing.. it actually toned and shaped my arms.. depending on the type of instructor shell get a great work out..

If shes not lifting right now-- any type of butt blaster class.. body flex classes where theyll be using light weights and tubing and such will hit all her major muscle groups..and help tone her up... as long as her diet is pretty clean.. even with a few carbs.. she should notice results- she can even add some ECA..or NYC..
Hi everyone... what are we talking about here kick boxing?!

Love it! Great way to really tone your body, as for me i do more weight training than classes, but it's a good addition to your routine.:D
kick boxing is great, but really it boils down to diet.. She will get firmer with the cardio and resistance training and she may trim down a bit, but to really and successfully pull off bodyfat, her simple carbs need to be eliminated from her diet and she really should only eat complex... and being Italian i know how hard it is to give up pasta lol but i have a great saying...


good luck with getting her motivated Grafix :)
and get her gloves for the heavy bags.. I personally use wraps and my Chuck Noris gloves!! After busting open a knuckle once on the bag, i learned my lesson...
lol... i appreciate it ladies, youve been a big help.. i wish it was as easy for woeman as men, i could just percribe her my fav meds for fat loss, tren, dnp, t3, etc j/k (i would never put her in a position to harm her body)
I'm a big believer in weight training for everything. The kickboxing classes are great don't get me wrong. Try to get her to incorporate some sort of resistance training in there. She won't regret it!:)
Fyre said:
I'm a big believer in weight training for everything. The kickboxing classes are great don't get me wrong. Try to get her to incorporate some sort of resistance training in there. She won't regret it!:)

Totally agree with you on that. I find that when I want to burn some fat, I work at a faster tempo and do alot of supersets and minimize the rest time in between. Grant it, I have to reduce the poundage a bit, but it works like a charm.

For cardio, I like doing the StairMill for 45 minutes or use the treadmill. I like to put the treadmill to a 15% incline and walk it for 30 minutes and put it back down to 0-2% and run for the next 30 minutes. This routine has always worked wonders for me.

Good luck!
The Stairmills are great, they're the only thing that I get a really good sweat going on. I do 20 minutes on that thing, and that's it, I'm done!
You ladies are all so knowledgeable, I'm really learning a lot reading through all of these post....good staff....:)
Fyre said:
The Stairmills are great, they're the only thing that I get a really good sweat going on. I do 20 minutes on that thing, and that's it, I'm done!

Im with you on that one. I stick to interval style cardio for 20-30 mins :D I hate long boring sessions. blah