Help on new cycle.


New member
Hi guys,

I need help on a new cycle. I had two previous ones, 1st didn't work, 2nd one was great I got the body I wanted Lean muscles and Abs. In that cycle I took:cypionate,proponent,stanozolol,tren 75 and boldon 200. Now, I've been off that course for the past three months "due to family issues" and I gained some un wanted fat on some areas near my Ab's. So I'm Thinking about growing lean muscle and try to eliminate the un wanted fat with HGH.
My question is: would it be a good idea if I started this cycle with :cypionate,proponent, "HGH", Tren 75, Bolden 200, Anavar, And I'm thinking about taking the HGH for every day with each: So lets say monday 5ML HGH and 1 ML Cypionate, Tuesday 5 ML HGH and 1/2 ML Tren 75. Wednesday 5 ML of HGH and 1 proponent, Thursday 5 ML HGH 1/2 Bolden. Is that a good cycle or am I just not right? I need help guys I'd be thankful for any one who helps me.:eek:

One more thing, my body gains weight and loses it quick. Thats why I gained the un wanted fat in the past three months, and lack of diet.

But not any more!! I'm gonna start this course with a good diet.

Help guys .....
Thanks for the info Matt. I'm 24 years old, 160 pounds, 72 Kilo grams, 5'9, used to be at 5% body fat now I'm at 8%.

1 Week diet plan would be : Oatmeal for break fast, Granola bar snack in between break fast and lunch, Chicken breast for lunch along with some salad, Banana and some fruits in between, egg whites for dinner. Every day that how I do it.

1 week training schedule is :

Every day before work out: 10 minutes of jogging

And after the work out: 3 ab exercises, with 3 sets each.

Monday: chest + biceps. about three exercises each , each exercise has three sets with 10 lifts heavy weights.

Tuesday: Back + triceps. same as the above.

Wednesday: Shoulders. same as the above

Thursday: legs.

Friday : Break .

Saturday : Chest + biceps.

Sunday : back + triceps.

Any suggestions ?


Whats post cycle therapy (pct) bro ?
Wow do some research. If you don't know what a post cycle therapy (pct) is you surely shouldn't do roids. Pct is more important then your steriods. But, its not is important as your diet. Right now as I can see your diet sucks. Your 59 at 160. A couple cycles in. You surely are doing something right. Your not ready for gear. Get your diet in check and put on 20 pounds. Dude I'm a couple inches taller then u at 220. Your gonna make a big mistake if you do. Your gonna lose it all again.
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I'm 24 years old, 160 5'9, I'm at 8% BF.

1 Week diet plan would be : Oatmeal for break fast, Granola bar snack in between break fast and lunch, Chicken breast for lunch along with some salad, Banana and some fruits in between, egg whites for dinner. Every day that how I do it.

1 week training schedule is :

Every day before work out: 10 minutes of jogging

And after the work out: 3 ab exercises, with 3 sets each.

Monday: chest + biceps. about three exercises each , each exercise has three sets with 10 lifts heavy weights.

Tuesday: Back + triceps. same as the above.

Wednesday: Shoulders. same as the above

Thursday: legs.

Friday : Break .

Saturday : Chest + biceps.

Sunday : back + triceps.

Any suggestions ?


Whats post cycle therapy (pct) bro ?

This is going to be a little harsh but honest so take it as it is plz.

You do not know what post cycle therapy (pct) is and this is going to be your 3rd cycle?!
It's no wonder your abs were covered with fat since your hormone levels were that of a lady for 6 months w/o post cycle therapy (pct) after cycle.

You weigh 160 and you took 2 cycles?! It's no wonder since your diet is horrible.

You want to take HGH and you don't know HOW to use it. You want to take HGH and your not ready for it either.

3 exercises per muscle group is not enough, especially on cycle.

Okay enough picking things apart. I want you to see you are not ready. The cycles you did in the past you did were done poorly/wrong.

1) Don't use HGH yet, you don't have a clue what your doing. It's expensive and you don't need it.

2) Learn what post cycle therapy (pct) is, how to do it, why your doing it, when to do it.

3) Your diet is piss poor. 5-7 meals a day. 1.5 grams of protein per lb and 2 grams of carbs per lb a day. A better diet can be planned by visiting our diet forum and reading 3J's posts.

4) You only listed your muscle groups you workout, not how you train. You did say 3 exercises in each group. This is not enough imo, maybe for "toning" aka not a serious bodybuilder, but CERTAINLY not enough effort for someone who wants to cycle.

You either do research or you hurt yourself for life.... oh yeah lose the sixpack until you weigh 200 lbs then cut up. 160 is too light to cycle, you are NO WHERE NEAR your genetic potential.

Do more research and gain some weight, 160 is not heavy enough. You are not even on the same level as someone who should consider a cycle yet.

Once again I don't mean to discourage you but you have not done enough research.... what is a post cycle therapy (pct)?! You commited the cardinal sin of cycling.

Sorry if this seemed mean but you need a slap in the face. This is your body, take care of your health!
Thanks guys I'm gonna look back at the course and try to get some post cycle therapy (pct) "Post cycle Therapy". I might just start off by fixing my diet for a couple of weeks with protein and amino until I add a couple of weight. Then hit the cycle. I really appreciate your help guys.
Thanks guys I'm gonna look back at the course and try to get some PCT "Post cycle Therapy". I might just start off by fixing my diet for a couple of weeks with protein and amino until I add a couple of weight. Then hit the cycle. I really appreciate your help guys.

dude you wanna get big?? you have to eat big.. simple as that...

i run a nutrition company.. you have two options!

1. go to the diet section, find my free diet advice sticky, read post 1 and do EVERYTHING it asks... post up a diet for critique and i will look it over and make adjustments for free.. i do this for all ology members..

2. if you wanna take it to the next level, i have a 25% sale going on.. you wouldn't need anything more then a basic package to get yourself started... 93.75 will get you the diet plus 5 weeks nutritional coaching... your ready to spend a ton of money on gear when it will do you no good.. your better off spending that on food and coaching.. be smart with your money..

i had a guy who was 130lbs when he got to me.. he's currently 170lbs right now.. its just about getting in the right amount of food at the right time!

if your interested email me at

good luck!
dude you wanna get big?? you have to eat big.. simple as that...

i run a nutrition company.. you have two options!

1. go to the diet section, find my free diet advice sticky, read post 1 and do EVERYTHING it asks... post up a diet for critique and i will look it over and make adjustments for free.. i do this for all ology members..

2. if you wanna take it to the next level, i have a 25% sale going on.. you wouldn't need anything more then a basic package to get yourself started... 93.75 will get you the diet plus 5 weeks nutritional coaching... your ready to spend a ton of money on gear when it will do you no good.. your better off spending that on food and coaching.. be smart with your money..

i had a guy who was 130lbs when he got to me.. he's currently 170lbs right now.. its just about getting in the right amount of food at the right time!

if your interested email me at

good luck!

ok thanks man I'll get back to you on your e mail.