help on next cycle


New member
wanting to get bigger without having alot of water retention what should i take.I usually juice about every two or three months
OK.....How about some help from you !!

Stats: including age, weight, ~bf%, height, detailed cycle history........
StoneColdNTO said:
OK.....How about some help from you !!

Stats: including age, weight, ~bf%, height, detailed cycle history........

im 24,210,20% bf,6"0.i have done deca,eqipiose stack and a few cycles of Winstrol (winny) and dbol once
hum...maybe you should try your luck with short test ester and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to keep the bloat down.

Avoid dbol and deca if you don't want water retention.
I agree with aczech you should try prop and anavar or Winstrol (winny) and if you feel comfortable with tren that would finish off the cycle nicely but tren is a hard steroid on the body and if you have never done it before it would be better to run with less compounds like just TNT.