Help with Bulker Cycle starting May. Mast or EQ?


New member
I like buying my stuff ahead of time, lets get to the point.

I will be doing a bulk starting in May and know that I will definitely be in the single digit body fat (trying to get to 7 or 6%) with help from 3J.

I want this to be a lean bulker but also want to look "dry" for the summer (which is what i heard masteron does beautifully)

I will run Test E at 300mg/week
Tren Ace 700mg/week
DBol 50mg weeks for 4 weeks
Should I choose Masteron at 700mg/week to have me looking hard and "dry" for the summer and let the tren do the bulk work?
EQ at 600mg/week to add slow steady additional gains? Plus some extra vascular action on there.

I have Aromasin, Liquid Letro, and Arimidex and consume less than 2500mg of sodium a day with 1 gallon or more of water a day, so I have options to keep me "dry". Help
A bulk. I'll be done with my cut already and be at 6-7% body fat by the start of my bulk.

so you'll be done with your "cut"... but you say you want have a "dry" look while bulking? pick your poison brother

if you want to stay fairly lean come summertime I'd suggest laying off the dbol for starters, keep your bf% under 12 and you'll still be looking good, but fuller

diet, as you know, is the factor that's going to keep you in the range you want to be
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so you'll be done with your "cut"... but you say you want have a "dry" look while bulking? pick your poison brother

:( i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is why this is so hard but i think I'll be able to keep a certain look while bulking if i keep my BF in check.
I don't know too many who bulk during the summer and cut in the winter. U got it all ass backwards guy...
I don't know too many who bulk during the summer and cut in the winter. U got it all ass backwards guy...

There is no "universal proper way" to do it buddy. One can cut in the beginning of the year to maintain a goal of staying lean for most of the year and enjoy the summer time also without heavy nutritional restrictions. If I can drop down to 6% BF two months before summer and maintain a low BF through the summer (not exceeding 9%BF) and adding mass then who's the real winner here? everyone has their reasons for everything, so yea, you gonna input some USEFUL info to help or what? Or you gonna keep on talking nonsense ?
so you'll be done with your "cut"... but you say you want have a "dry" look while bulking? pick your poison brother

if you want to stay fairly lean come summertime I'd suggest laying off the dbol for starters, keep your bf% under 12 and you'll still be looking good, but fuller

diet, as you know, is the factor that's going to keep you in the range you want to be

Thanks. Sounds good. I'm planning to stay at 9 or 10%. I'm leaning more toward EQ
Would u not stay pretty dry with the tren? Master in may help with the " dry " look , but considering the tren with a good diet is there a need for masteron. I get more from methyldrostanolone " superdrol" than mast, not that I liked sd much but at least the boldenone would be the trick if u had to choose one yeah? If run for 14 weeks or so, not a great deal of benefit in eq if its not run for at least 12 weeks but prob knew that already
if your diet is on point (which i know it is) you should be able to bulk pretty lean.. with such a cycle consider recomping instead
EQ all the way.

I would lean towards masteron, why do you prefer EQ Rastas? Test/tren/mast has always been the "holy trinity" in my book, there something that you feel EQ can bring to the table over mast?

I understand the potential hunger increase, but that's the only benefit I can think of. Not challenging your advice, just curious. :)
I think you've just used wrong terminology OP...

You said bulk, but I think what you mean is you want to attempt to gain muscle without any fat gain???

If that is the case, and your diet is in check (I'm sure 3J will make sure it is!)... I'd definitely drop the D'bol...

I'm yet to have a run on Tren, but I will say that if you go down the Eq route - you'll need to run it for at least 14-16 weeks,
It will leave you looking dry and vascular and your appetite will go through the roof.
I'd also watch out for raised HCT and be sure to donate before and after if possible.

In my eyes, the Masteron may be overkill if cutting to low single figures isn't the goal here.
Thanks guys! EQ would be it then, I have like 3 bottles already so it saves me about an extra 500 bucks... What about for a oral? I'm dropping the DBol to maybe add a Anadrol? Turinabol?
Thanks guys! EQ would be it then, I have like 3 bottles already so it saves me about an extra 500 bucks... What about for a oral? I'm dropping the DBol to maybe add a Anadrol? Turinabol?

That tbol gives the guys at the gym some beast pumps. As far as second hand experiences go I only hear good things. Why would you drop the dbol and consider drol though? Seems like an alternative that is not too different from the dbol.
Yep.... only had good experiences with Turanabol - sick pumps and good clean looking mass gain.
Great addition to any cycle, but expensive and often faked.
Make sure you're buying from a good source!
That tbol gives the guys at the gym some beast pumps. As far as second hand experiences go I only hear good things. Why would you drop the dbol and consider drol though? Seems like an alternative that is not too different from the dbol.

Last time I used it, it went fairly well without the bloat.

Seems like Tbol is the winner here I guess
Yep.... only had good experiences with Turanabol - sick pumps and good clean looking mass gain.
Great addition to any cycle, but expensive and often faked.
Make sure you're buying from a good source!

I always use Kalpa, good stuff. I only used TBol on a cut and the pump was there, looking forward to using it on a bulk