Help with filter of home brew test e


New member
I got some test e. Works very well just slightly cloudy and hurts bad. Might be hormone undisolved or water. I need some info on how to filter it. Could someone tell me which filter to get from Amazon? I've read so many mixed opinions on what to use. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Filter is .22um but not sure why you need to refilter it. It could be the concentration of BA in it, what mg/ml is it supposed to be?
Just use a Whatman syringe filter bud. I use .45um but it is much safer to use the 22. The test should definitely not be cloudy, mine is always nice and clear. Sounds like something did not completely dissolve and you just got some crystals floating around. Did you already autoclave/oven it? 2% BA and 15% BB works for me man. What carrier oil did you use?
Thanks for the reply. I didn't brew it myself but it came from a close friend. However, I don't think I was filtered in the first place. It is supposed to be 250mg per ml.
Just use a Whatman syringe filter bud. I use .45um but it is much safer to use the 22. The test should definitely not be cloudy, mine is always nice and clear. Sounds like something did not completely dissolve and you just got some crystals floating around. Did you already autoclave/oven it? 2% BA and 15% BB works for me man. What carrier oil did you use?

Thanks, I will do that asap. I've reheated it and it came back so I'm thinking its water. The carrier oil is grape seed. I think the ba content is higher than 2%. You think I could cut it?
If its water and unfiltered.... wow... I would stay the f clear away from it.

Lots of ugls don't even bother to filter. They assume the ba will take care of the bacteria, but when they turn out to be wrong then we have people posting about an abscess. Could be water bubbles in it for sure. I don't know how people manage to get those in there.
Lots of ugls don't even bother to filter. They assume the ba will take care of the bacteria, but when they turn out to be wrong then we have people posting about an abscess. Could be water bubbles in it for sure. I don't know how people manage to get those in there.

When they heat it in a water bath to help speed up the dissolving of the hormone into the carrier

And with BOTH of those things... if you can't be bothered to filter it AND you can't be bothered to protect it from water... what does that mean about the rest of the sterilization? IDK.... brewing it right takes so much less $$ and not that much effort.
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When they heat it in a water bath to help speed up the dissolving of the hormone into the carrier

And with BOTH of those things... if you can't be bothered to filter it AND you can't be bothered to protect it from water... what does that mean about the rest of the sterilization? IDK.... brewing it right takes so much less $$ and not that much effort.

They are just a bunch of lazy fucks. They want to sell gear, but don't want to put in the work to make it properly. I know that I hate capping pills more than anything, but I am still careful because I know eventually it will go in my body or the body of a family member or friend. I guess ugls just don't care because they are selling to strangers.
They are just a bunch of lazy fucks. They want to sell gear, but don't want to put in the work to make it properly. I know that I hate capping pills more than anything, but I am still careful because I know eventually it will go in my body or the body of a family member or friend. I guess ugls just don't care because they are selling to strangers.

You guys explained it well. I was trying to make the same point to my guy but it's like talking to a wall. He thinks the ba is enough. I've had less experience and already know that is some bs. Honestly, the gear does works very well. So im planning on just filtering and transferring to another vial. Maybe reheat as well? Any advice on that?
You could bake/heat out the water, but you need to be careful. Not knowing what carrier oil he used, etc... you don't want to hit the degradation point of the oil while heating it. You will also heat out some of the BA...

IDK, sounds sketchy as fuck to me. Filtering it will help you only with microbes, not with water. And who knows what else could be in there.