Help with forearm pain hoping to find a method to help heal my forearm?


New member
I evidently did something at the gym where I now have extreme elbow or forearm pain. This happened like four weeks ago. I read on the boards, and there's a lot of information, was wondering if anyone has tried anything recent that effectively help heal from the pain or possibly the injury?

I do have some TB500 in my freezer which I was going to use for another injury but never used it. I was also wondering if anyone might know how much bac I need to add to my TB500 vial and start injecting in my forearm intramasuclar????

I know rest is best but I get so bored being home (Besides my wife non-stop complains) I got to get the hell out and hit the weights. You guys probably agree with me that the gym is our second home. I love the gym & Poontang, LOL!

I tried Icing and heat and still the pain is there. Last night like an idiot I did head-stands which I really like doing for over-all core, but now my forearm is screaming at me.

Any thoughts for beating this and hopefully get away from this pain I am having?

Thanks fellas
Well going to the doctor I think they aren't the most intelligent people, as I have gone for many other injuries and they can be worthless diagnoses. They will probably recommend me PT but every time i've done that I think to myself I can do this at the gym .
I just saw a video on Voodoo bands for compression, has anyone tried that before?

They work, but only temporarily in my experience. You should find out the cause, as there are many reasons why you're feeling pain. Ignoring your body is a quick way to end up under the knife; I have the scars to prove it. ;)

Besides, PT exercises can be done in the gym once you have them down. I do rotator exercises on shoulder day and chest day - and it helps tremendously.

My .02c :)
Thanks, Halfwit! You probably tried some peptides, any thoughts on TB500? I have done plenty of peptides with my AAS but TB500 just yet. I am off cycle right now, but I want to get rid of this injury. And I know the saying time & rest. I was just hoping other then AAS that somebody was going to pull the rabbit out of that hat? Lol
go to the doctor figure out the cause of pain or injury if nothing is wrong try and get a cortisone shot. it will do wonders also here are a couple videos of some pt you could try for your elbow/forearm

try these every couple days to start working on the problem area. if pain is still there it might be more of an injury that the doctor will need to look at. i have some experience in the medical field would you be able to describe how the injury happened and when the pain is the worst i.e. what movements make it worse and range of motion of the elbow.
Thanks, Halfwit! You probably tried some peptides, any thoughts on TB500? I have done plenty of peptides with my AAS but TB500 just yet. I am off cycle right now, but I want to get rid of this injury. And I know the saying time & rest. I was just hoping other then AAS that somebody was going to pull the rabbit out of that hat? Lol

I have mixed feelings on TB500; while I do think it works for certain types of injuries, I don't think it will work on issues outside connective tissue damage/strain. I do think if it comes back as a case of tendonitis, it's worth a shot to see if it will help.
I went to the doctor today and now they will be sending me to an orthopedist and get some PT as well. Nothing broken, but plenty of pain, probably a strained tendon of some sort. Has any one used a "Tens" machine? I just realized I have one in my storage unit that I bought at a fitness show. I tried using a (stick) something I also have used before and purchased at a fitness show. That fucking roller fucking hurt but circulated the blood in my forearm for now.
I have mixed feelings on TB500; while I do think it works for certain types of injuries, I don't think it will work on issues outside connective tissue damage/strain. I do think if it comes back as a case of tendonitis, it's worth a shot to see if it will help.

Halfwit, Thanks man! If they send me for an MRI and it's my tendon in my elbow, then I guess I will be opening that TB500 bottle and see if my forearm will get any healing from it. What the hell it's in my freezer anyway. I'm just thinking I'll try to shoot it close to the pain in my forearm and aspirate so I don't hit a vein.
Halfwit, Thanks man! If they send me for an MRI and it's my tendon in my elbow, then I guess I will be opening that TB500 bottle and see if my forearm will get any healing from it. What the hell it's in my freezer anyway. I'm just thinking I'll try to shoot it close to the pain in my forearm and aspirate so I don't hit a vein.
I thought peptides were to be administered subq
I evidently did something at the gym where I now have extreme elbow or forearm pain. This happened like four weeks ago. I read on the boards, and there's a lot of information, was wondering if anyone has tried anything recent that effectively help heal from the pain or possibly the injury?

I do have some TB500 in my freezer which I was going to use for another injury but never used it. I was also wondering if anyone might know how much bac I need to add to my TB500 vial and start injecting in my forearm intramasuclar????

I know rest is best but I get so bored being home (Besides my wife non-stop complains) I got to get the hell out and hit the weights. You guys probably agree with me that the gym is our second home. I love the gym & Poontang, LOL!

I tried Icing and heat and still the pain is there. Last night like an idiot I did head-stands which I really like doing for over-all core, but now my forearm is screaming at me.

Any thoughts for beating this and hopefully get away from this pain I am having?

Thanks fellas

bro, I could write a book on this subject. I am at the tale end of dealing with the injury you speak of on my left elbow and forearm. last year at this time it was my right elbow and forearm.
first off, anti inflammatories are a necessity. I am a Highland games strength athlete, and I train heavy year round. ice may seem like it's not helping but it will over the long haul. depending how bad you have this, it's known as tennis elbow on the outside bone of the elbow, and golf elbow on the inside part.
there are straps you wear around your forearm that are about an inch wide that will work if you keep them on. if you caught the flare up early enough. elbow straps allowed me to train through the injury.
my doctor gave me Celebrex and it did help immensely, but I had to avoid certain exercises such as upright rows, cleans, that type of motion. believe me, I've had the issue several times, to the point where I couldn't grip and lift a glass of water.
I am 45 years old and have been training for almost thirty years now, so I've been through this frequently.
As much as I dislike cortisone shots for shoulder injuries, it is an anti inflammatory and one shot pretty much cleared up my elbow and forearm this time, allowing me to stop the Celebrex.
I'm not sure about you, but resting the arm did not help at all, it seemed to worsen it. light movement to get blood in the area was far more effective.

Having blabbered on now, I would encourage you to try that forearm strap from your local pharmacy, depending on arm size you may need the knee strap, as I did. :)

one more thing, if you use heavy dumbells on say incline presses, don't let them snap back down to your thighs at the end of your set, drop the fckers. that's what flared my elbow and forearm up this time.
hope this helps you and anyone else who needs it. good luck.
I think you need to see a chiropractor and get a deep massage in the forearm area. I had issues with mine (both arms) for about 6 months, I went to two doctors and was told to ice the area and perform some exercise for the area. When I went to the chiropractor he knew exactly what my problem was and he massaged both arms really well. I went to see him once a week for three weeks in a row, that was the most relief that I had felt in months. Both my forearms are fully recovered and I can work them out as needed. Before I couldn't even do a full curl without the nagging pain in the elbow joints.

It seems like people with weak forearms will have issues, the others with strong forearms never seem to have those problems.

I need to go see the chiropractor again next week, every time I feel anything coming on I let him take care of it right away.

Good Luck
how big are you. There is a pain that accompanies the development on the muscles in the forearm. When the muscle get big enough to start separating from the membrane that runs between them. It happened to me at around 210 lbs. It will pass but it's aches and doesn't go away of a while. It feel very similar to shin splints.
how big are you. There is a pain that accompanies the development on the muscles in the forearm. When the muscle get big enough to start separating from the membrane that runs between them. It happened to me at around 210 lbs. It will pass but it's aches and doesn't go away of a while. It feel very similar to shin splints.

Dreaded, you are correct on this. I never felt any pain when I was around 200 and a little more. As I passed 210-225 I could feel the difference between the forearm and the biceps, the pain didn't feel like an injury but more of a muscle tightness causing problems in that specific area whenever the biceps were flexed. I still have not heard of anyone with arms as their strong point complain about this.
I think you need to see a chiropractor and get a deep massage in the forearm area. I had issues with mine (both arms) for about 6 months, I went to two doctors and was told to ice the area and perform some exercise for the area. When I went to the chiropractor he knew exactly what my problem was and he massaged both arms really well. I went to see him once a week for three weeks in a row, that was the most relief that I had felt in months. Both my forearms are fully recovered and I can work them out as needed. Before I couldn't even do a full curl without the nagging pain in the elbow joints.

It seems like people with weak forearms will have issues, the others with strong forearms never seem to have those problems.

I need to go see the chiropractor again next week, every time I feel anything coming on I let him take care of it right away.

Good Luck

rip roar did you have your forearms rolled as they call it? my forearms are one of my strongest body parts, but I still have this problem about once a year. I had someone use that magic stick roller thing down my arms but not much help. apparently a massage therapist or physio can do some other type of roll which is quite painful but effective, but I've never had that done.
rip roar did you have your forearms rolled as they call it? my forearms are one of my strongest body parts, but I still have this problem about once a year. I had someone use that magic stick roller thing down my arms but not much help. apparently a massage therapist or physio can do some other type of roll which is quite painful but effective, but I've never had that done.

I can't say that it was rolled. Before I went to see the chiro I would always use inzer elbow sleeves due to the pain being so severe in the area between the bicep and forearm.

When I went to see the chiro he started sticking his finger deep into the areas around my elbow to see where it would cause the most pain. Once he found the area he started using a lot of pressure like doing a deep tissue massage. At first the area felt really tight and I could feel his thumb moving up and down on the muscle with friction. Once he started going deep into the muscle with his thumb I couldn't feel the friction anymore, there was a little relief and I could bend my arms easier without the pain.

After every visit and I had to work arms the following day or so the pain was less and less. Now I don't use the inzer elbow sleeves anymore at all, currently I feel a little tinge in my left elbow so I need to see him again to have him work that area. I need to call him today and see if I can get in sometime this week.

I am telling you it made the world of difference for me. I have posted in threads here about elbow pain and tennis elbow when I was having issues. I am really glad those issues are gone and I don't need to use the sleeves anymore. Personally I will be seeing this chiro for as long as I am working out.

Its weird that you are having issues Harnold. Most of the folks I know with strong arms and huge forearms do not seem to have those issues because the muscle responds and grows so fast unlike mine.