Is that fine? Im 6'2 , weight 140lbs and im 19. .
You're 6'2 and weight 140? Let me guess...starting lifting 3 months ago and already expecting to look like Zyzz?
Let's put aside that you can't run gear regardless because of your age. 19 is too young. Even if you were 30 however, no one would suggest gear to someone who is 6'2 and weights 140lbs.
Next, "CC" is a unit to measure volume inside the syringe. The amount of "CC" is irrelevant that you take. For example your test can be 200, 250, 300 mg. You are looking for the MILLIGRAMS, not the "CC". It's kinda like if I said "give me a half a cup of liquor". Ok....what kind of liquor....Vodka, Beer, Margarita...etc. Sure all 3 are liquor but each one will have a different amount of alcohol despite being in the same volume of measurement
the guy told me inject twice a week at 1cc for both (monday and friday). I personally feel like thats not enough due to hearing ppl injecting 4x a week
This is what really scares me. Bro-science about gear from the gym is the worst advice you can get. DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR LOCAL GYM RATS. THEY MAY BE HUGE BUT TRUST ME MOST OF THESE GUYS DO NOT KNOW JACK SHIT AND WILL HAVE ALL KINDS OF HEALTH PROBLEMS AFTER 40.
Let's say you have Tren-E dosed at 200mg per mL(or CC), 4x that dose would be 800mg of Tren per week. For your first cycle, you will not have a good time running a dose that high. Even for the vets that's too high.
Overall this is not a normal drug. Taking gear is like selling your soul to the devil. Ask the guys on this forum that started too young and permanently got shut down and now are on TrT(Testosterone replacement therapy). Imagine injecting for the rest of your life and having to donate blood every 6-8 weeks so your RBC/Hematocrit/Platelet levels don't get too high. Also always having to make sure your E2 levels don't spike outta control. Not to mention it's an expensive lifestyle so hope you got good insurance. This is not like taking a ecstasy pill at a rave and next morning you wake up with a bad comedown but overall you're fine. No it's nothing like that, as a matter of fact what you want to do(Tren) has the highest chance of shutting you down.
By the way if you don't want your balls to disappear you're also supposed to run HcG with your cycle. And have you gotten pre cycle blood work to see where all your levels are at?? And what's your PCT look like?
Overall you are not ready. Hit the kitchen for a few years then come back. Don't be the stereotypical fuck up like your meathead friends at the gym.