HGH and TB500 for multiple injuries. low back, shoulder, elbows, knee


New member
Hi all. New to the forum but wanted a place to post my progress for those who are considering HGH or TB-500 for injury recovery. Also wanted to be able to look back and track my progress. I have already tried a EQ & test combo for 12 weeks but it was ineffective. Here's what I'll be running next:

HGH: 2IU per day, 5 days on 2 days off per week indefinitely (at least 20 weeks, but prob will continue this as maintenance dose if i get good results by the end of 20 weeks)

TB-500: 6mg per week (pinning 2mg 3x per week) weeks 1-4
4mg per week (2mg 2x per week) weeks 5-8
2mg per week (1mg 2x per week) as maintenance thereafter

*doing both subQ

I am 6'3" 240 and dealing with multiple injuries so figured going heavy on the TB-500 would better my chances of healing. I am mostly hoping to clear up the golfer's elbow and recover from shoulder surgery quickly. If I can get some relief in my back and/or knee that is an added bonus!

Background if you are interested: I injured my back and knee a couple years ago (crossfit.. take it easy on me :Pat:) the knee has been minor yet lingering while the back has been more severe. It's prevented me from doing any lower body so I think the knee's lingering nature indicates a minor meniscus tear. As far as the back goes, multiple MRI's and CT scans have been inconclusive, so surgery was never an option. I've tried physical therapy, cortisone injections, facet blocks, cluneal nerve blocks, prolotherapy, and PRP. None have been effective.

About a year ago (only training upper body) I was overtraining and quickly developed golfer's elbow in both elbows (right is worse). Prolotherarpy, PRP, and physical therapy have been ineffective.

Also just recently found out I have a torn labrum (slap tear) in my right shoulder that I am having surgery on the 11th for.

I have been unable to exercise at all for about 10 months and I'm about to lose it. Read lots of great stuff on TB-500, especially when combined with HGH, so fingers crossed.

Any advice or opinions on my dosing would be greatly appreciated.
let me make one suggestion... run hgh everyday, not 5-on, 2-off... it's ONLY effective with run everyday... taking 2 days off per week is a web myth made up by goof balls trying to save coin. And if saving money is a concern, hgh is NOT the compound for anyone in that position

2iu is a very minimal dosage, and you probably won't "feel" anything from it
Thanks, China. Will do. Fortunate enough to be able to afford to experiment with this and run it as necessary. Not looking to add big size, just really want to recover from some injuries and be able to get back to training. Do you think 2IUs per day is enough? I know it will take a while to kick in, but I've read this is the same regardless of dosage..
Two days in. Yesterday did 2IUs of HGH and 2mg of TB500. Today just 2IUs of HGH.

Reconstituted 10IUs of HGH with 1ml bacteriostatic water, so injected .2ml subQ in the abdomen yesterday and today.

TB500 came in 2mg vials so reconstituted with .2ml bacteriostatic water also. Injected all of it subQ in the abdomen yesterday.

According to China_Wall's advice, I will be running HGH 7 days per week, not 5 on 2 off. Still continuing TB500 @ 6mg per week.

Nothing to report so far. Will post again in about a week.
One week in and nothing to report, as expected. I have made one adjustment to how I am reconstituting both the HGH and TB500. I noticed, with both, when I get to the end of the bottle there is always a very small amount left in the bottle no matter how hard I try to get it out. So I've started reconstituting 2mg TB500 with .3ml bacteriostatic water and the HGH with 1.5ml bacteriostatic water. My theory is by creating a more diluted solution, the drop or so of liquid left at the bottom of the vials will contain about 1/3 less TB or HGH. It's a small difference, but why not get every bit out of it I can?

The ml per injection is up from .2 to .3ml, but each injection still contains 2IU of HGH and 2mg of TB500.

Getting shoulder surgery tomorrow (labrum). I will post again over the weekend.
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interesting.. i have torn costal cartilage in my rib right now..

i wonder if tb500 will speed up healing time..

i myself have never used it
Lots of good reviews in the forums, 3J. Also go to pubmed and check out some of their research articles. Not a lot of human testing but from their lab testing on rats and the great reviews on here, I am very optimistic.
Surgery went well Thursday. Repaired slap tear and there was a small rotator cuff flap that the doc cleaned up. I am interested to see how healing goes while on HGH and TB500. I go for follow up in a few days and will have a better understanding of the docs expected recovery time. From there I can see how I recover vs the norm. I also won't be able to comment on tendonitis issues as I am on pain killers for the shoulder for the next week or so.

Typing with one hand so I'll keep it short. Lengthier post next week.
10 days post shoulder surgery and I've finally got all of the pain meds out of my system (detox sucks :Puke:). Must say I think I am recovering very well. Still a little pain in the joint but I do have decent range of motion and am able to move my arm around a little without pain. I go to PT for the first time tomorrow. I'll post their thoughts on my progress.

Regarding my other nagging injuries, the rest of my body is feeling better. Not 100% convinced that it's the supps but I should know for sure in the next week or so. I'm assuming it has to be related to HGH and TB500 as my other injuries have been around for at least a year with no relief. Golfer's elbow in my left arm appears to be gone (can't test in my right yet because of shoulder), and back is feeling pretty good. Other nagging injuries like the knee has held up well even with a few 20min sessions on the air dyne bike.

Post more after PT tomorrow.
PT was uneventful but my therapist said I had better than normal range of motion for how far post-op I am and that I should be out of my sling early. Set up for PT 2x a week.

Other nagging aches and pains kind of resurfaced today but not terrible. I expect these kind of things will take a full 6 weeks to see an improvement. I will be 3 weeks in tomorrow.

Only negative so far is that the TB500 burns a little bit going in and the area is red and a little irritated for a day or so.

More next week.
Finally out of the sling (3&1/2 weeks after surgery) and started week 5 protocol at PT today. PT said I did great with all of the range of motion and resistance exercises so we will be moving forward aggressively from here on out. Still able to push the legs pretty hard with weighted lunges, leg press, and calf raises. Doing that every 5 days with a hard cardio session on the air dyne in between there. Also using the air dyne for active recovery.

Forearms are feeling pretty good, knee is holding up during leg days and the back feels moderately improved. I am very interested to see how I feel in another few weeks and in a few months when the HGH really starts to kick in.

Because I am getting some small relief in my back I am praying that maybe I have just been dealing with some very bad back spasms that I cannot get to calm down. Guess we will see.
How's ur progress with Hgh and tb500? as I'm thinking on running both to try and fix a 3yr long painful life of shoulder injury, which brand of tb500 do you have , I bought 12x5mg vials from progenpeptides but not sure if I trust what I got ?
Shoulder is feeling great. My mobility is about 95% of where it was before surgery and I am only 6 weeks post-op. They are going to ramp up PT next week so I will see how it holds up. So far so good.

My overall flexibility seems to have improved and my body is more responsive to stretching and mobility exercises which has helped with back pain a little. Forearms are feeling good also but haven't really been able to test them out yet. Day to day activity seems to be improved though.

I was referred by a friend to extremepeptides com for TB500 and got my HGH through him (came from China).
how did the vials of the tb500 look like, did they look professional, or were they clear vials with a sticker like mines, and was there vacuum in the vials, mines don't have vacuum View attachment 562430

i got mine from progenpeptide but I'm having iffy feelings about them bcz of the way the vials look and no vacuum
thus far it's been a bit of a roller coaster as far as how I am feeling. some days are great others are not so hot. The shoulder that I had surgery on has consistently felt good, however. Golfer's elbow in my right arm has crept back in but it comes and goes and I'm not sure if it's related to when I do PT or not. Appears to be worse the couple days after I do PT and inflame the shoulder. Time will tell I guess.

At this point I am two months in on both HGH and TB500. TB500 dosage is going down to 2.5mg/week starting thursday. 5 more days I will be two months out of surgery.