HGH cycle Question???


New member
Here we go .. I have 3 kits of HGH .. I plan on running 2 to 3 iu's a day for 2 months with 500mg of OM every week, for 8 weeks... then 8 weeks off of OM just running HGH and maybe Proviron.. then back on 2 to 3 iu nd 500mg of test for 8 more weeks then done..

So something like this..

week 1-8
m-2 iu's// 500mg Test a week
thur-2 iu's
fri-2 iu's
sat - none

week 9 - 16 with PRO ED
m-2 iu's
thur-2 iu's
fri-2 iu's
sat - none

week 17-24
m-2 iu's// 500mg Test a week
thur-2 iu's
fri-2 iu's
sat - none

MEDS after two weeks of last shot i.e nov and clo if needed

Ok you guys get the point....
One question is when is the best time to take the HGH?? Moring , NOON , Night????? pre work out....Post work out????
Well i am up for any ides on this topic, feel free to light in to me , if i sound dumb on HGH ... This is my first time on HGH and i want it to work GOOD...... I am not a Noob at the other stuff been on gear now for about 3-4 years.. Just lok for a little insite on this stuff..


My opinions on HGH are just that, my opinions, however I would make the following suggestions...

I think the logic in 5 days on and 2 off is flawed, I think the original intent was to strecth cycles out as long as possible given the cost of HGH in the past, now that the prices have come down I think it is much better to run it ED.

I also think that unless you get some very potent stuff that 2-3 ius will not be enough. I run Jinotropin, which arguably is one of the stronger ones out there if it is shipped correctly, etc and run it at 4ius a day. I adjusted from 8 to 6 and settled on 4.

At 4 iu PD, I really only noticed the result around week 6-7, so if you only go to 2 months, you will sort of "waste it" in my opinion.

I would wait until I had enough on hand to run at least 4 months, preferably 6 before I even started.

As far as when to take it, I take my first shot of 2 ius around 10am, I train at lunch, then I take my second one just before bed. I try NOT to take it right on top of any meals, whether this makes a difference or not I don't really know, I have just always done it that way.

Hope this helps, remember these are only my opinions...
