HGH use age 25. Useless or beneficial?


New member
I have done research on this. I know you guys hate questions that could be simply answered by google. BUT, im not satisfied. So im turning to your opinions.

Im hearing to many mixed opinions.

25 is the earliest age to start.

You wont get any results from it.

You will get reaults.

You shouldn't use til age 30.

So. Just want to see what i can hear from you you guys.
Have never done it obviously. Was going to start a cycle of mast and sust 250, still might. But was curious of HGH
My friend is 32 and on mast,sust 250, and HGH. So he got me curious of it . Thanks guys..

Age 25
All I know is.. for general well being, nice skin, hair, nails, feel good-ness - 2-3iu's a day. For actual lean mass improvements - 6-8iu's a day for at least 6 mos, but preferably a year.

Aside from that I only know it would cost at 6iu's a day for 6 mos is around 9k dollars, or 18k for a year!

Better be rolling in the dough!
greed w H. If you got zero use for that kind of money go ahead but at 25 you should be able to obtain any reasonable goal w o gh; plus the dailey injects., the refridge, constituting it...if I had 18k a year to piss away..I d be training in Thailand w 5 20 yr old hotties for 10 buck s a night,,,but I LIKE AEROBICS and 20 yr old hotties
I believe that HGH is always good as long as you can afford quality product. On or off cycle I can't think of a time HGH will not work for anyone training.