

New member
Just wondering if you can buy gh in either turkey or china at a pharmacy i bought gear in turkey last year in turkey, also any prices or brands available??? any info would be very welcome.!!
Why China are you going there?

I bet there is almost no demand for it in Pharmacys and I havent seen it.. I am in China and it is legal to buy HGH direct from a company. I am not sure about getting it back into the UK. But its legal over here.
I bet the prices on HGH are ridiculously low in China especially when buying directly from the company that produces it. That's every bodybuilders dream come true. One of these days I might have to take a trip over there myself....
got a friend going there genlei brand jintropin is made in china.!!
I'm sure personal use you could bring it back to uk i have with small amounts of Sustanon (sust) and anaps from turkey
I would just buy a shit load of it, and mail it back to myself...That would probably work

Definitely worth a shot

GenLi is not the best place to buy it since they will only sell you the export stuff with english instructions and it is expensive at for 500IU
The version for the chinese market is cheaper, but harder to get...

Now thats reasonable.. I have seen it for a IU but I didnt it wasnt Jintropin..

Also not sure if you haved thought about it since you cant really bring back a small amount since your injecting every day...

Better to stick to test probably..

Not sure if its "Definitely worth a shot" with a $1000 package, but its your choice..
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Ok...so its definitely NOT worth a shot when we are dealing with $1000. I was thinking just send a small amount at first just to see if it makes it....then maybe go for some more...

My supplier can get GH as well...on his list it says rHGH. What does the 'r' mean?
recombant...... it means you have to add the water out of one vial to the freeze dried aminos in the other vial. it slike hcg in this fact
Thanks guys. That was a much more simple question than I had thought it would be. It makes sense though because GH has such a short shelf life after it is reconstituted correct?

The reason I ask is because I don't want to go out and buy 600 iu of HGH and not know exactly what it is I'm gettin, especially considering the price of the stuff! I hear its certainly worth it though

iu my god thats cheap i wish i could get legite stuff for that price i paid about per iu last time i purchased it
serost defininte real deal but very expensive
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Not sure if the 600iu qantity comes in one or multiple vials...I would think it would be multiple vials...I will ask though...get in touch with me later brother

See ya,

Yeah, I thought it was the single vial deal. If I had a way of seperating it w/o destroying it, it would be worth the money.
togh to do without contaiminating it. they also have the 100iu vials. i never seen one but a friend of mine gets them. the package says it will keep for 30 days in fridge after recon. i have my doubts about that number though. i'll stick with the kits.
So then its better to buy a 15 iu vial as opposed to buying GH in bulk?

The price is quite a bit more though...What you guys think?
