Hi! Just A Word!!!


New member
I just came from your porn section and viewed the work of Alien and decided to sign up. Hehehe just joking.........Truthfully, a friend suggested i come over JohnnyB. I don't see him around though but i see many familiar faces ncsports and others. You have some heavy conversations going and it is great to be here, thanks. :D :D :D :D :D :D
Welcome to the board bro.

I would imagine JohnnyB is probably having a nap, but then again you already know he's an old guy, so he might even have hit the sack for tonight. LOL !!
We were joking the other night about age. Some concluded that at 35 and beyond you are a senior citizen. Go figure....Thanks.
StoneColdNTO said:
Welcome to the board bro.

I would imagine JohnnyB is probably having a nap, but then again you already know he's an old guy, so he might even have hit the sack for tonight. LOL !!
No nap, I had to go to Los Angeles just got back and had to stop in. I see I was missed:D

Glad you came over Brett_Weir, you'll enjoy it here.

Welcome aboard! Stick around, I think you'll like what you see (especially if you continue to check out alien's posts).
Welcome from Grandpa (41) Lean, Mean Kickass Machine.

Brett_Weir said:
We were joking the other night about age. Some concluded that at 35 and beyond you are a senior citizen. Go figure....Thanks.
Nah, i graduated from Emory back in 95. You would be surprised though that many do not know of Emory. BTW while in Atlanta or Decatur i trained at Main Event Lugars gym. Back then he looked great so i don't know about now......Anybody got any fyi on Main Event?????
Welcome to the board!

I used to stop in at MainEvent back when it was called TagTeam Fitness (during high school). I also stoped in a couple of times after the name was changed to MainEvent. The early days it was pretty good. Sting was very personable, Lex on the other hand, well he was Lex. He was freaken' ripped though. I still see Lex around every now and then (about 1 every 2-3 months i run into him). Saw him about 4 weeks ago at a Mexican rest., he and his wife were chowing down. He had like four burrito plates in front of him. He is still pretty much big as a house.

I haven't stoped in there in a while, but from what I here it is still doing alright.
Cool......I tell you this back in 95 he had as good a bench as i have seen.......................he did indeed train very hard............very hard.....So i didn't see him for a while or years....I did see Sting there a couple of times then he faded away. I thought Lex was fairly nice he didn't do much talikng around training time imo.............................