Hello there guys!
I have been researching the subject of hormonal aid for some time now. I'm a curious but careful type, with experiences in other grey areas but I have never played with my body to that extent - mostly with my brain and mind and after years and years of research, practice and trials I haven't got any permanent damage from my doings . On the contrary, I think I have benefited from them and I have (usually) played safe.
Recently I have experienced that my gym sessions are much less productive than they used to be and I have thought that hormones might be helpful but knowing most of the dangers already, I have noticed that one specific area is rarely ever mentioned...
How to quit? I have been reading about people staying on juice for years and I think it's fine but I have also read some testimonies of people who just can't quit the juice. I have no intent to bulk over 100kg but I want to stay lean and agile. I was wondering if it makes sense to reach a certain physique and come off the juice, once you're satisfied? Is it possible to maintain this physique without the constant need to supply the juice to the muscles? Unfortunately Google never helped me find the answers to these questions so I hope I can find them in this community!
Thanks in advance!
I have been researching the subject of hormonal aid for some time now. I'm a curious but careful type, with experiences in other grey areas but I have never played with my body to that extent - mostly with my brain and mind and after years and years of research, practice and trials I haven't got any permanent damage from my doings . On the contrary, I think I have benefited from them and I have (usually) played safe.
Recently I have experienced that my gym sessions are much less productive than they used to be and I have thought that hormones might be helpful but knowing most of the dangers already, I have noticed that one specific area is rarely ever mentioned...
How to quit? I have been reading about people staying on juice for years and I think it's fine but I have also read some testimonies of people who just can't quit the juice. I have no intent to bulk over 100kg but I want to stay lean and agile. I was wondering if it makes sense to reach a certain physique and come off the juice, once you're satisfied? Is it possible to maintain this physique without the constant need to supply the juice to the muscles? Unfortunately Google never helped me find the answers to these questions so I hope I can find them in this community!
Thanks in advance!