

New member
Hi everybody

I ve been hanging around for quite some time and just wanted to introduce myself: I am an austrian lawyer (yes, you guessed it, from Graz), Age 35, current weight 210, height 5.95 (hope I got the conversion right...). I just wanted to say that this is the most informative page on the internet regarding AAS. I have learned a lot so far.

Cheers to all of you
welcome friend....
S'ology is the best. best information site i have ever used....with the best members and extremely helpful Mods and Admins....

god bless
Wie sind die Gesaetze bezueglich Anabolika in Oesterreich? Wie ist das politische Klima gegenueber Gebrauch von diesen Substanzen?

For all you uneducated rednecks, lol: I asked what the law and political climate is in Austria in reference to steroids

Oh and: If you are Austrian, why call yourself Bigswiss....Welcome
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Hallo Mr Nobody

You are right. Calling myself BigSwiss because I have been living in Switzerland for a couple of years now. Anyway regarding your question: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are no big deal, neither in Austria nor in Switzerland. Posession and "dealing" is just a minor infringment against federal laws regulating medical substances. Posession and dealing are dealt with a fine at the most.

Wünche Euch alles gute und stehe Euch jederzeit zur Verfügung (Wish you all the best and remain at your disposal)

I forgot: Regarding the political issue in Austria. Since Mr. Schwarzenegger made it big it seem to be no issue at all....
You may not know that, but I will ask anyway: Are doctors in Austria hip to the idea of prescribing testosterone for HRT?
Selected ones will if a deficency is detected. You will need to take a "on site" medical exam and have blood work done though. No "long-distance" prescriptions without proper examination. The distances in Europe are not that big so you could consider it...