Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

I continue to get more and more horny everyday, and it sucks, my GF needs to not be out of town!! Weighed in this morning up to 250 LB's on the dot!!


SQUATS (5x5)
15x135 (Warm-up) 5x285, 5x285, 5x285, 5x285, 5x285

15x70 (Warm-up) 10x110, 10x110, 9x110, 15x70 (Kill set)

3 SETS of 10 reps.

4 sets of 10 reps.

I had to hurry out of the gym make some dinner and get back to train my client, so I will do some calf raises on lunch today, maybe a little leg press. Also I felt a lot better doing 285 than I did doing 275 last week, IDK what it was from, could have been a # of reasons, or it could have been the TEST. Slept great last night, got to bed super early, no night sweats at all.

Chest today, and some ABS!
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Hey hockey have you ever done lunges with the smith machine? I feel like i get a better pump on it than any thing just go down like you are already in the lunge position. (is the only thing i use the smith machine for)
Hey hockey have you ever done lunges with the smith machine? I feel like i get a better pump on it than any thing just go down like you are already in the lunge position. (is the only thing i use the smith machine for)

No I havent, sounds badass though, I will for sure toss it into my next leg day.

I rocked the smith machine with reverse grip bench today, it was the best upper chest workout I've had in a while, Thanks to Darksides suggestion on doing it. I think it was darkside lol
No I havent, sounds badass though, I will for sure toss it into my next leg day.

I rocked the smith machine with reverse grip bench today, it was the best upper chest workout I've had in a while, Thanks to Darksides suggestion on doing it. I think it was darkside lol

lol ive been rocking reverse bench to i get a kill pump at the top of my chest
Sounds like things are going good for you man! Keep to your schedule and look to the future. I jacked myself up in my 20's but have run non-stop for 15 years by being smart and not running stupid. Not huge, but my weights legit, and keeps me in the shape that I can maintain for a healthy lifestyle while still reaping the benefits of gear.

Night sweats? I get them but I was prone to them before, so if you are to find a chick that doesn't mind it.

Good luck Bro and train for life, never for short goals!
Sounds like things are going good for you man! Keep to your schedule and look to the future. I jacked myself up in my 20's but have run non-stop for 15 years by being smart and not running stupid. Not huge, but my weights legit, and keeps me in the shape that I can maintain for a healthy lifestyle while still reaping the benefits of gear.

Night sweats? I get them but I was prone to them before, so if you are to find a chick that doesn't mind it.

Good luck Bro and train for life, never for short goals!

Pretty confusing stuff there...
Sounds like things are going good for you man! Keep to your schedule and look to the future. I jacked myself up in my 20's but have run non-stop for 15 years by being smart and not running stupid. Not huge, but my weights legit, and keeps me in the shape that I can maintain for a healthy lifestyle while still reaping the benefits of gear.

Night sweats? I get them but I was prone to them before, so if you are to find a chick that doesn't mind it.

Good luck Bro and train for life, never for short goals!

Thanks for looking out brother!!!

The night sweats happened only one night, and it was the night I pinned 2 hours before bed, I have a feeling that has something to do with it.
Chest yesterday evening, and I felt MMMMAZING. Maybe Its placebo but I felt stronger benching than I ever have!!!

15x135 (Warm-up) 5x280, 5x280, 5x280, 5x280, 5x280

15x135 (Warm-up) 10x185, 10x185, 10x185, 12x155.

THE "USUAL" CABLE FLY'S, I added about 3-5 lb's on each cable position, felt great.

15X135 (warm-up) 10x225, 10x225, 8x225.

Killed it with 3 sets of push-ups to failure.

Feeling really good!!!!
Aight so I plan on getting a blood test at about 4-5 weeks in to my cycle to see how things are going. Im going to go through Privatemdlabs, and Im going to use the Female Hormone Panel which consist of these tests.
-Estradiol, serum;
-Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH);
-Luteinizing Hormone (LH);
-Testosterone, serum; -Complete Blood Count (CBC): Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes.
-Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP): A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum.

Is there anything else I should add?? I would rather not since this is only $50 bucks, but I was just wondering if there is something else important that should be added.

I am for sure feeling a lot stronger at the gym, and noticing some size/cutness, Everything just feels so much easier, and I feel I can rest wayyyy less in between sets...etc
Also if anyone can help me on my above question, that would be great. I purchased the panel, so I guess my only question is, when should I get it done?? also since I haven't started taking my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet, should I get the blood test done before I start taking my AI?? Just to see where my Levels are at with just TEST E in my system?? Any help on this would be GRRREAT.


15x135 (Warm-up) 5x325, 5x325, 5x325, 5x325, 5x325 (Last week at 315 was a struggle, this felt like I was back Dead lifting 275)

PLYOMETRIX's (Give the hands and fore-arms a rest)

PULL-UPS to Failure
8, 8, 7, 5

15x95 (Warm-up) 10x135, 10x135, 8x135.


15x180, 10x220, 10x220, 10x220

10X70 WU, 8X85, 8X85.

I could barely hold on to the grip on the last few workouts!!!

Shoulders today, Either Arms tomorrow, or Ill take the day off and do arms saturday, then sunday day off.