holy moly that was fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what company are we speaking of ?

were talking about napsgear, I would rather have my shit with no labels instead of no gear.
But it does seem quite unprofessional and shady if your a first timer and this shit happens. Then you think that it's just another "domestic" like source that is making this shit in his basement bathtub and shipping it out.
But all in all to all those that are worried I would not. As long as this is quality sterile test I will be a happy man. shit happens.
if you say shady all the mods will neg you on sight if they catch you saying something against napsgear.net. But I dont understand I ordered from the .net site and they are the ones that produce the geneza brand of gear. It's not like I got it from a secondary source that pretended to sell me geneza stuff and sold me bunk shit with no labels. I dont see any reason naps to sell shady stuff cause they are the ones that make the shit. If it's bad shit then there rep is going to be demolished.
it does seem downright shady and unprofessional to send unlabeled vials. I guess u gotta really trust ur source. supposedly naps is gtg.

if i bought unlabeled stuff from a drug dealer for the first time i would say hell no. but if i had been buying from him for a while and know its good stuff, then i would just trust him. so since its from naps, i would assume its fine, but it does seem really shady of a big company like that to do such.
if you trust your source and u know what you are supposed to be injecting u should be good to go..nerver had a prob with naps though
And for the guy who said that the tops twist,move and come off easily you were right. That might be a problem and a big sterilization issue on my hand here.
And for the guy who said that the tops twist,move and come off easily you were right. That might be a problem and a big sterilization issue on my hand here.

if you're worried and want piece of mind bake the gear. if it has pieces of filter or other debris floating around, filter it first.

maybe they rushed the bottling a bit?

just in case you're wondering though.... A LOT of sources are having a few hiccups coming out the gate in 2011 it seems. there are some obvious reasons why that would be the case. bare with people, if they are g2g they will make sure you're happy in the end even it costs them a bit.
had a buddy email them back about this and they offered to ship him all new shit when they got labels...for free

Did they say how long it would take to to get new labels in? I just find it so weird that they don't have them...

I would think a business like that would never let there be a sense of suspicious... But from my understanding they are a very reliable company. Personally i have never ordered from them, but I might just to see what I get.
if you're worried and want piece of mind bake the gear. if it has pieces of filter or other debris floating around, filter it first.

maybe they rushed the bottling a bit?

just in case you're wondering though.... A LOT of sources are having a few hiccups coming out the gate in 2011 it seems. there are some obvious reasons why that would be the case. bare with people, if they are g2g they will make sure you're happy in the end even it costs them a bit.

every time a major player gets busted or goes down the sudden increase in business that other suppliers get from the busted/out of business suppliers customers catches them off guard. it would be different if stuff like this has never happened before but its nothing new.