hormone memory? gynos back not on ANYTHING


New member
So a while ago i juiced pretty damn heavy and then got into drugs pretty heavy and needless to say I fell off.
After going to rehabs I'm back in the gym and started hitting it hard getting my gains back. All of a sudden my nipples are hurting and swollen (im prone to gyno). However I'm not using anything at all so I went into GNC and this guy told me its like muscle memory but with hormones. My test levels are going up cause I'm lifting again so are my estrogen levels. The gyno is really bad. Has anyone ever heard of this? I've used A-dex on cycles and it worked but was thinking about trying Letro cause reading around on here it seems more potent,but is that really the only difference? Any comments or knowledge on hormone memory and/or what the fuck to do?
Hormone memory?

LOL, I wish! I'd have some serious free cycles headed my way!

I'd read the link tbone posted as I believe it does cover gyno pretty well - assuming that is really what's going on. ;)
So a while ago i juiced pretty damn heavy and then got into drugs pretty heavy and needless to say I fell off.
After going to rehabs I'm back in the gym and started hitting it hard getting my gains back. All of a sudden my nipples are hurting and swollen (im prone to gyno). However I'm not using anything at all so I went into GNC and this guy told me its like muscle memory but with hormones. My test levels are going up cause I'm lifting again so are my estrogen levels. The gyno is really bad. Has anyone ever heard of this? I've used A-dex on cycles and it worked but was thinking about trying Letro cause reading around on here it seems more potent,but is that really the only difference? Any comments or knowledge on hormone memory and/or what the fuck to do?

If my nipples were swelling up really bad, I wouldn't be going to GNC to figure out why. That's a supplement store.. and even if the person behind the counter is "gear-friendly".. it's unlikely he'll be knowledgeable enough to help you in this regard. Let's just say I'm glad you've came here searching for help... Cause, how in the world is telling someone it's "hormone memory" even helping them? That dude literally did nothing for you.

You don't need to use an AI while off cycle.

Definitely read through EVERYTHING in the link Tbone gave you. Very important info.. with this information you'll be able to pinpoint where you went wrong in your previous cycle and come back to us with specifics. This will give everyone here a better understanding of what you've done to yourself.. and the potential problems (permanent, or temporary) that can be worked on.

I will recommend you pay extra attention to Raloxifene, and/or Nolvadex. As these SERMS hit directly on the breast tissue site and will help break up that development you've got going on. Do not ask me for dosages, a week by week plan or anything of that sort until you've gathered enough info and put together a description of your previous cycle. Many on here will be willing to help, so long as you demonstrate the willingness to help yourself. Also, include any drugs you've done in between.. sometimes that can paint a good picture as to what's happened to your body..
If you used SERM like nolvadex on cycle, you could have build up an excessive amount of estrogen that now can bind to receptors. Remember the Serm blocked those receptors

As you mention i did a heavy cycle, if so alot might have aromatised and thereby lead to a build up... a build up that is hitting you now since you are off everything. Aka rebound gyno