how does this cycle look/what to expect?


New member
i have been gone for a loooong time but once i considered this place home. ive done three cycles before realizing that my main goal isnt bodybuilding but resistance/strength at around 80 kilos.

i train in thai boxing/kick boxing with aikido thrown in there and i realized i was too slow at 97 kilos.

so, i stopped cycling and have been training natural for the past couple of years.

the thing is i have a fight coming up in a month and realize i am still too slow so i am about to start on this cycle.

i weigh 76 kilos right now and what i want is to drop as much bodyfat as possible without losing weight. 2 kilos is acceptable but really i would like to keep my weight where its at while dropping bodyfat.

so heres my 4 week cycle:

500mg sustanon day one (frontload)
300mg propionate EW (100mg mon/wed/friday)
50mg proviron ED
25mg Halo ED
300iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (tues/sat)


10 raw egg whites, orange juice, ginger, cayenne

1 hour later:
2 boiled plantains/3 boiled eggs (2 yolks)

1 hours later:
2 boiled plantains/3 boiled eggs (whites only)

2 hours later:
300 grams salmon filet, one cup brown rice, copious steamed veggies

10 egg whites raw, brown sugar, cre a tine

during workout in one hour intervals
1. 2 bananas, with handful of pecans
2. 2 bananas, 5 dates, handful of pecans
3. 2 bananas

post workout:
3 cans of tuna, 1 cup brown rice, copious viggies

1.thai boxing: one hour nonstop bodyweight exercises: pushups, squats, jumping in place with alternating punching and kicking combinations

2.kick boxing: same deal, a bit less intensity

3.aikido: low intensity

dynamic tension alternating with wind sprints. jump rope drills. abdominal training. rope climbing drills. hand stands. shadow boxing.

weight training(HST), heavy dumbell punches for power.
weighted pull ups for 2 rep max
wind sprints with weighted back pack/ dynamic tension



sorry for the long post, how does my cycle look?
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don't front load.

that's a lot of freakin eggs and bananas!

Is chicken scarce? Can you eat dog?
Just bump the prop to 150 eod instead of the 500 mg frontload.

The 50 mg proviron with all that test will make you honry as fuck.
i already have the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand , and the sustanon...

i will be picking up the propionate this weekend (mexico city) but i may end up having to use sustanon instead if i cant travel...

i only eat fish, no red meat and no chicken... and the bananas provide the perfect balance of fructose and potassium, otherwise i tend to cramp up halfway through my workouts. i add on the pecans to try and get some kind of half ass amino acid profile to supplement my lack of protein during those hours.

its light enough of a snack that it doesnt interfere w/my workout but provides energy, protein shake would probably come back up during training.

my sources are very limited (small town in mexico) so sust/proviron/halo is just what is handy at the farmacy. for the prop i will have to go to mexico city if i can get away, but i may have to substitute the propionate for sustanon.

would the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) just be a waste or are there any potential negatives to using it? i dont mind playing on the safe side, and i already have it. wouldnt it speed up recovery time even for such a short cycle?

i could always just stay on past my fight to make its use worthwhile.

one more question, for the night of the fight i was thinking of taking 100mg of halo just to increase aggression. i have heard of such practices but never really looked into it. would this benefit me in any way?
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well each class is an hour long...

i get about 5 minutes in between and munch down on 2 and keep going.

thats 6 bananas.

thanks for the replies.
