how does your wife/significant other view your use of AAS?


New member
My wife will be ok with just about anything I do as long as I explain to her my reasoning... We're at the point where she kind of knows i'm likely going to do it eventually but isn't necessarily on board. She will probably let me do what I want, but she's definitely not happy about it and it might turn south if she walks in one day and actually sees me sticking a needle in my ass. (she is ok with things if she doesn't see it or hear about it.) Her hang up at the moment is that she is stuck in the delusional natty world, she's the type that would believe Mike O'hearn is natty...

So what was your experience like easing your significant other in to the idea of AAS use? what were the hang ups on their end? any advice on shit to NOT say?

FYI I am nowhere near starting AAS at this point, I just like to plan far in advance and think getting her used to the idea over a long period of time is a better approach. Although I wouldn't mind ordering supplies bit by bit so the cost wouldn't seem like much to her.
My Wife I would like to say she's ok with it but I don't think she likes it. but
now she knows I'm the type of person that will do What Ever it takes to get where I'm going.
She has seen me loading a pin and she has walked in while I was in the middle of pinning she
just shoots me that look (if your married you know the one) but that's about it and its business as usual
I talked in depth with my wife before taking the plunge. I didn't bullshit her, and laid out the truth for her to decide. Told her the benefits and all the risks. Explained to her my reasoning and what i'm doing to remain safe as possible.

She's been surprisingly ok with it. Only hang up with her is the financial burden of the lifestyle.

If you love your wife and value your relationship, be straight up. Discuss all aspects and show her you know what you're doing.
One more thing. It did well for me explaining why steroids have developed a bad name. Cheaters, Abusers, synthol dipshits, and the list goes on. Feel free to hang those asses out to dry. Their uneducated approach, and/or involvement in professional sports started a war that responsible users have to participate in.
My wife only has a problem with what it does to my temperament. In long past years I have been a violent type of person on AAS. Being Bi-Polar Type I , I will testify that AAS is not a good mix for the psychosis (disorder).

Recent few years I have gone through some medication changes as well as more therapy and I am able to say that I am doing very well with my self-control.

My wife respects the sport of BB and respects the use of AAS if the person is responsible to engage in a the safest way of use as possible. This of course means medically, mentally and sexually because she / we know that aas can and will effect all three areas of a man's life, including possibly others.

Another consideration with the wife is the money but any hobby / sport activity is going to cost something depending on the stage (level)
Education is key.

I'm not married, but I met my current Girlfriend of 2 years in the middle of a cycle. Within a month of dating her I was hinting to her that I was using. We would talk on the subject and I would tell her how I feel steroids are demonized in the media and there's nothing wrong with responsible use. I told her I was passionate about bodybuilding and the biological aspect of it. That's how I explained my extensive knowledge of steroids and their effects. I told her about my forum activities and slowly educated her on the subject. By the time I was ready to tell her, she was pretty well educated and had no problem with my use. I'd show her my blood work whenever I got it done, and explained what I did to keep myself healthy.

Now she runs SARMS with me, and wants me to get her some anavar! LOL

To reiterate, education is key. It's easy to have the "I'm a man and I can do what I want" mindset when you're young and only dealing with girlfriends, but when it comes to your life partner it's different. I can understand their concern because as far as they know steroids are deadly and you'd be leaving her and the kids behind if you died. If you can get her to understand and show her that steroids are not the devil and they aren't going to kill you, then it will be much easier for her to accept it.
I talked in depth with my wife before taking the plunge. I didn't bullshit her, and laid out the truth for her to decide. Told her the benefits and all the risks. Explained to her my reasoning and what i'm doing to remain safe as possible.

She's been surprisingly ok with it. Only hang up with her is the financial burden of the lifestyle.

If you love your wife and value your relationship, be straight up. Discuss all aspects and show her you know what you're doing.

this is the route I've been trying to go... I've lost a lot of weight and gained some size so far and am aggressively pursuing getting my diet and training squared away before getting on anything. I'm trying to show I'm doing it the right way and not looking at it as something I'm dependent on but rather something to give the work I'm already doing an extra push. Money isn't really a problem, meaning it wouldn't dent our finances much even if I ran HGH year round with two multiple compound blasts in there (not that I would.) but it's rather the thought of it... she's the type who could have a million in the bank and still go to goodwill for some "new" clothes.
I'm lucky I guess in that my wife was "eased into" it watching me go through TRT. She saw all of those positive effects and has been very supportive every since. I was a real asshole when I was hypo.

About the only time I get that look is when I start doing something without talking it over with her first. I keep her involved in it now. We talk over all the blood work and planned cycles, anticipated sides, etc. I think she really enjoys getting to stab me with needles anyway...
I'm lucky I guess in that my wife was "eased into" it watching me go through TRT. She saw all of those positive effects and has been very supportive every since. I was a real asshole when I was hypo.

About the only time I get that look is when I start doing something without talking it over with her first. I keep her involved in it now. We talk over all the blood work and planned cycles, anticipated sides, etc. I think she really enjoys getting to stab me with needles anyway...

I'm actually concerned legitimately about my natural test levels. I have a lot of the typical symptoms and they seem to be hitting me really hard this year. I mentioned to my doc I wanted a hormone panel done but mine was not very interested in that... I think I might just do a private lab panel and figure it out for myself then go to doctor with results.
I'm actually concerned legitimately about my natural test levels. I have a lot of the typical symptoms and they seem to be hitting me really hard this year. I mentioned to my doc I wanted a hormone panel done but mine was not very interested in that... I think I might just do a private lab panel and figure it out for myself then go to doctor with results.

The private labs are cheap and easy enough. TRT has some obvious benefits for those who are going to be playing with AAS. The worst part for you may just be having the patience to refrain from blasting while you get the TRT dialed in.
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I have told every woman I've dated and my current fiance. You just have to point out all the positive, I actually don't see much negatives to talk about, for the most part all the negative stuff can be controlled or dealt with. I honestly believe aas boosts immune system dramatically.

I was the type that got real sick at least 4 times a year, now when I get sick it's so mild. I also have a story that really happened I caught a illness that can be life threatening. I was in my first cycle when it happened, I continued with the testosterone even though I couldn't work out. I recovered in half the time even my doc was impressed how fast I beat it.

I don't see synthetic testosterone as a negative, alot of people say it like it's bad "stuck to a needle for the rest of your life" who cares what's so hard about 1 pinn per week to be the best human version of yourself and being better than all these normal people around you?

Aas had improve me in every way I stand out from the rest in the workplace I have more drive ambition. I look better I feel better I miss less work because I recover faster and I don't get sick. If testosterone is a miracle to old folks and it changes there life it is good enough for me as well.

One last thing don't worry when a woman loves you she will change the way she thinks for you. She will embrace your decision and help you, she will even inject you. She will take interest in your new passion and interests
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ive fully disclosed everything to my wife... wouldn't think about not telling her..

my marriage is more important than that..

if its just a girl that you know youre not going to be with in the end, keep your shit to yourself.. if shes the one.. she needs to be on board.. be smart with your choices
I honestly believe aas boosts immune system dramatically.

I was the type that got real sick at least 4 times a year, now when I get sick it's so mild. I also have a story that really happened I caught a illness that can be life threatening. I was in my first cycle when it happened, I continued with the testosterone even though I couldn't work out. I recovered in half the time even my doc was impressed how fast I beat it.

if this is true ^ then holy fak I need this stuff inside of me. I get sick so frequently it's almost debilitating and I get it 10x harder than anyone in my house. What I wouldn't give to only get a flu once/year...
I hide it like crazy

I do not have a wife or fiance. I am still in recreational dating mode where my average relationship lasts 5 months to a year

Do not want a bitter ex spreading shit about me and gear. It happened to my buddy and now people label him a cheater.
Obviously don't tell chicks you are boning but if you see potential and maybe a future lying is no good.
heres an article i wrote on this matter a while ago... hopefully it helps some of you

By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

I have had the pleasure of being a mod on a few forums over the years. With that position comes a lot of time spent on the forums. Today I want to brush up on the use of anabolics and their impact on the users relationship with their significant other. It is no secret that the use of anabolics in society comes with a taboo. Anabolic steroid users are considered meat heads who are uneducated and know nothing but the gym. They are also thought to be druggies and people who cheat to get ahead. Believe it or not, this whole idea of anabolic steroid users first started in the Olympics and then blew up due to accusations of use in the MLB. With that came the shame of use as we know today. But the truth is anabolic users are educated people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle for the most part. So what happens when you have a spouse or significant other who doesnt know about your anabolic use? Do you keep it from them? Do you tell them straight out?

I have followed a policy of truth with my wife. When I initially met her, I told her nothing about my involvement with anabolics. My reasoning for hiding it was simple, I didnt know her well enough to tell her I used anabolics. I believe rule #1 in disclosure is the value of disclosing such information to a person. In other words, if the girl is just a fling, treat her that way. She doesnt need to know your use of anabolics just as she doesnt need to know your deep dark secrets.

But what happens when you decide you want to take it a step further? The day I decided I wanted to take my relationship further, I decided I needed to disclose my use of anabolics. You see, a policy of truth comes with consequences. You have to be prepared for an onslaught of questions and concerns from your significant other who is likely more uneducated in the topic of steroids than a child. They only know what they hear: steroids are bad for you. When I told my now wife that I had used anabolics in the past she freaked out a little bit. Her worries were about my health. So you have to explain the use of anabolics to your wife like you would a newbie. You have to be honest about the risks and benefits. You have to be able to debate the use to her and validate your use. If you cannot put her mind at ease than you will never win. If you get angry and give her an ultimatum, that might be the last thing you give her.
Is it worth losing your significant other over the use of anabolics? Absolutely not! But, if you do tell her and she absolutely refuses to accept your choices then maybe that person is not the right person for you?

Hiding the use of anabolics from your significant other is never a good idea. In a relationship trust is the most important thing. Once thats out of the picture your whole world could become a mess. ive seen multiple relationships go down the drain because someones girlfriend or wife found his anabolics and confronted him. Take the road less traveled in this situation. Talk to your loved one. Tell them you what you want to do. Be kind and be patient with them as they process the information. When I told my wife I wanted to go on HRT, I did so with bloodwork and educational material. She didnt hesitate to allow me to get medicated once she saw everything. Give your significant other a chance to accept who you are.

Good luck to you all!
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