How I am the weakest I have been in 4 years but have more muscle mass


New member
A couple of years ago I weighed appx 15 lighter at the same bf% and was significantly stronger. How on earth am I bigger now than i have ever been in my life yet weaker?
when I was 26 I benched 225 26 times at 205...geared oughtta my mind

25 yr s later I can t do it 5 times as my shoulders are fried. I do 135, 155 to 185 on incline for 15-30 reps

......and don t care...just glad I am not a fat balding couch potatoe
The heavier I am the stronger I am, but not everyone is the same. I lift for strength, but if you lift for aesthetics it shouldn't matter too much.
when I was 26 I benched 225 26 times at 205...geared oughtta my mind

25 yr s later I can t do it 5 times as my shoulders are fried. I do 135, 155 to 185 on incline for 15-30 reps

......and don t care...just glad I am not a fat balding couch potatoe

At 205 26 reps is fucking amazing. I'm at 25 reps but 15 pounds heavier.
I could never even lift 225 10 times. I wasn't too shabby with dumbells though.
I am not a huge guy, but at my height and weight i am one of the bigger guys at the gym and the sour pusses i get when folks see how much i lift is pretty funny. I am just a full range of motion kinda guy i guess.
I could never even lift 225 10 times. I wasn't too shabby with dumbells though.
I am not a huge guy, but at my height and weight i am one of the bigger guys at the gym and the sour pusses i get when folks see how much i lift is pretty funny. I am just a full range of motion kinda guy i guess.

Fuck them. They should focus on their own workout. I hate people like that.
So are you inferring i could have gained size just through consistency in the gym despite weaker lifts

No you can put on muscle size without gaining strength. As well as you can gain strength and not put on size. This is why bodybuilders and powerlifters train differently.
I had to stop as my career did not allow for the time to train and eat like that..Seriously...I was competitive in college after job sometimes had me busy for 2-12 day s away from home, my base anything close to a weight room..priorities man. They change w age.