How long can i go without pinning while on cycle


New member
Doing Test E cycle. Today marks a week since last pin due to shoulder injury. Waiting to inject until i feel like i can lift again. How long can i go before it would be just like starting the cycle over.
Well lets say you were doing a cycle, then you would want to start pct when you have less than 200mg of active aas in your system, test e has 5-7 days half-life, you can reaserch this, so
@ 600mg a week of test cyp/ent 7 days after your last shot there is 300 mg active in the blood. 14 days after the last shot, there is 150 mg active in the blood, at 21 days after the last shot, there is 75 mg active in the blood. I dont know the amount of test your on, but thats why they say to start pct 2-3 weeks after last pin, you said you havnt pinned in a week , so if you wait another week you might as well start your post cycle therapy (pct), heal up and start another cycle later
You need to inject twice a week, with the enanthate ester.


Basically since you already didn't inject for a week, if you wait any longer you either have to pct or it's almost like you're restarting your cycle.

A shoulder injury shouldn't stop you from lifting. Are your shoulders the only muscle group in your body? Theres a shit ton of things you can do without using your shoulder.
It won't take long for your levels to plummet to low normal range. I get blood work done often. if I'm running test cyp at 500 a week. My levels will be in the low to below normal within 2 weeks of not pinning. You will be better off scrapping the cycle all together and starting post cycle therapy (pct). OR, working different muscle groups. Focus on legs and core. Shred it up for a little while.
Alright ill have to call this cycle quits than. Believe me i wanted to lift so bad, i was actually on vaca this week and planned on hitting the gym hard every day but i ended up badly pulling a rhomboid and an upper trap muscle along with a pinched nerve than makes my thumb numb. It was very painful for 4 days, i didnt even feel like i could do legs without making things worse.
I appreciate everyones opinion and comments! Ill just nurse this back to 100% and focus on post cycle therapy (pct) and the next cycle.

And no it wasnt first week, im on 8th week out of 12 planned. Very disappointed cause i was seeing good results.
That sucks bro. But you are making the right decision. At least you will have a little gear left over to add to your next cycle.
wtf? there are a million things you can do with a "pulled rhomboid" and referred pain from an unhappy trap. i just got done telling that vaderwhatever kid he could exercise with a torn pec. what makes you special? harden the fuck up.