How long does liquid viagra stay good?


New member
I got some liquid via from rui about a year and a half ago. Then I hit a dry spell and completely forgot I had it. It's been in my sock drawer this whole time lol. Do you guys think it would still be safe to use?
Should have been refrigerated, then maybe?

Crap I wish I would have seen that before. If it's only lost a little potence then thats ok. I just don't want to get sick or anything
Crap I wish I would have seen that before. If it's only lost a little potence then thats ok. I just don't want to get sick or anything
You could try a small dose, just to test it out. I know many drugs that have expiration dates don't really "expire", it's intended to keep stock moving in a pharmacy. However, I don't know what is used in the making of liquid V either.