How long is to long ON TREN ?


New member
I am ending a 16 week cycle 1-8 test cyp 750mg wk and 8-16 600mg Tren a week eod and 600mg Prop. I still have 3/4 of both left in the bottles, I am thinking about using them up. It would extend my cycle for another week. Any thoughts from someone familiar with running Tren and Prop? I heard 8 weeks is max for the benefits of tren.
I am very much a noob but I have experience with this. I was 39 when I started on a 20 wk cycle of test cyp 500mg a wk, and trenn ace 200mg a wk. I did fine until about wk 15, and started having nasty sides. I also made the ultimate noob mistake and did not do post cycle therapy (pct). Now my test levels are low and having to try and get it back, so I don't have to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I will run trenn again (I have to bottles of trenn e at home:p) but I first want to try some clomid to get my natural levels normal. But I will never do it over 10 wks again. m2c
im about to go for a 12 week on my first run. i would never consider running it longer than that. if i feel it necessary i will drop it off 2 weeks earlier if i feel its too much
8 weeks max imo. You're reeking havoc on your body with the shit. I only do 8 weeks a year. But man it's a hell of a blast!!!
So hard2gain, how much should I take of the tren e, if doing it for 8 wks. Sorry for hijacking the thread.
I know guys that are on Tren almost all year....they cruise with it. I've taken it as long as 12 weeks. Just depends, everyones body is different and will handle it differently
The recommended run for tren e is between 10-14 weeks and 8-10 for acetate. I have ran tren a and e together for 24 weeks, with no issues.
Your cycle looks pretty huge anyway. How have you found tren so far? Personally, I'd finish them all and then post cycle therapy (pct). But thats just me.
10 weeks maximum with tren-e or tren-a.

tren-e low dose for starting and for finishing. cause the ester is long and the hormone is very hard.
Kane, your saying it's good to start lower and gradually increase tren dose. For example I'll be running 400 weekly. Start 200? Or maybe 300 ?
I would listen to my body in relation to tren duration. Once I start to feel the sides and that toxic feeling it is time to go off. Usually about the 8-10 weeks mark I start feeling like a toxic waste dump.
Ok, I think i will use the rest up and go 1 more week. Minister, i started my cycle at 190 lbs and i just hit 224 lbs I am 6' 11% bf and the sides of Tren Ace were very mild, I had several night sweats that soaked everything, a couple headaches, But overall Tren Ace and Prop really bring about some dramatic results. My diet and training has been kept in check religiously... Thanks for all your input.
Buddy did 10 weeks of tren 75mg eod with about 50 mg test E EOD. Did blood work before and after. Liver and kidneys completely unchanged, blood pressure unchanged, cholesterol elevated. Now having been off post cycle therapy (pct) for a few weeks his cholestrol is down to normal again.
Ok, I think i will use the rest up and go 1 more week. Minister, i started my cycle at 190 lbs and i just hit 224 lbs I am 6' 11% bf and the sides of Tren Ace were very mild, I had several night sweats that soaked everything, a couple headaches, But overall Tren Ace and Prop really bring about some dramatic results. My diet and training has been kept in check religiously... Thanks for all your input.

That sounds brilliant.