Study suggests another look at testosterone-prostate cancer link
Testosterone and Prostate Cancer | NDNR
Studies Indicating That Testosterone Does Not Cause CANCER
You might find the above articles interesting. Of course, there are still plenty of articles claiming T therapy increases prostate cancer risk, although many of those articles seem light on scientific data.
I would suggest you buy yourself a copy of
Testosterone For Life
by Abraham Morgentaler, M.D.
Associate Clinical Professor, Harvard Med. School
This book will answer many questions you have and there is an entire chapter dedicated to the myth that T therapy increases risk of prostate cancer.
Dr. Morgentaler, besides being a Harvard professor, has 30 years experience in this particular field and over 20 years actually treating men with low T.
After you read this book, assuming you do, you will find that many of the comments and responses on here from those with moderate to extensive Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) experience match up quite well with Dr. Morgantaler's experience.