How much should each cycle be increased to see gains?

Mad- scientist

I'm curious how much some one should keep increasing their cycle to continue to see gains. For example if I ran a testosterone cycle at 700 mgs
a week. How much would I want my next cycle to be to see the same gains. Basically how much should a cycle be increased to keep seeing gains.

My last cycle was a year and a half ago at the dosage mentioned. But I also am curious about future cycles. And how much to increase the dosage per cycle. I feel like I should up the dosage to like 850mgs week. But for future cycles how much should numbers usually be increased per cycle. I know compounds make a difference to.
But lets just say were talking about testosterone. And also how much weight Is appropriate to gain per cycle after you have a few under your belt.
I know every one is different but for the normal steroid user who has a bulking diet in place and trains hard and has legit gear. I have a rough Idea of all the answers
to the questions. I would just like other peoples views to who have experience in all of this.
realistically you can still make solid and equivalent gains at 700mg again lol

i personally am not going past 750mg myself
My logic behind this is I look at it as safer and more enjoyable to run 800 -1000mgs of testosterone than to run tren or some of the harsher compounds. I just feel like at the moment I will have more controllable side effects with testosterone compared to almost any other compound. I understand estrogen will be high but arimadex can fix that.
I know your question is in regards to "test only" but for the gains you seem to be eluding too, you would definitely need to add another compound that would best help you achieve your goals.
To properly "grow into your doses", you would need to log your progress for all your cycles and compare them. The important thing to log is your caloric surplus and your LBM gains. Obviously you would need to have a bod pod assessment done, or a dexa scan for accuracy; as calipers of any kind will never suffice.

If, for example, you gained a total of 8 lbs on cycle 1, you would repeat the cycle. If your next cycle resulted in the same gains, assuming you were satisfied with your previous gains, there is no need to change your dose. When your gains fall back with no sacrifice in diet, you should then consider either increasing your dose, or introducing a secondary compound.

In the event that you choose to increase your testosterone dose, a 100 to 150 mg increase per week should result in satisfactory results. That's an average of 1800 mg additional, for the duration of an average cycle. The important thing to take from all of this, is to have realistic expectations. The majority always seem to have unrealistic expectations and frankly, many claims of 15 to 20 pounds of lean mass gains are simply untrue. We can chalk that up to poor measuring techniques.

Personally, I would consider introducing a secondary compound first, prior to increasing the testosterone dose. Many compounds will work in synergy with testosterone and the effects become amplified.
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Hmm interesting. I was hoping you would chime in austinite. I appreciate it. The reason I feel like doing a testosterone only cycle this time is mainly because I haven't cycled for a year and a half. And a few months ago I got my liver enzymes checked they where just barley above normal. But that is because I did something stupid and took 3 pro hormones at once. I had done it when I was younger and since at the time I couldn't get a hold of any gear and I knew other people who where running the same compounds and where fine. I figured I would be fine to. Which was idiotic. So I felt like shit and had a lot of pain right where my liver was so after it didn't go away for 6 days I decided to stop the cycle. And I got my blood drawn a couple months later for a physical and my liver enzymes where just above normal and the doctor said they where probably really high when I took those compounds and that's why I had that pain.

So now I feel like my best and safest bet while getting back into the swing of using steroids is to run a testosterone only cycle to make sure my liver isn't fucked up at all. And since I had done 750mgs a year and a half ago I felt my best bet would be to up it to 850mgs a week and that way I would make impressive gains. And not have to worry about my liver being fucked up from other injectable steroids or oral steroids that are harsher on the liver. And so if I did experience problems I knew what caused it.
Only reason I took the pro hormones was because I had been working out naturally for so long and I missed cycling and I couldn't get a hold of shit. I knew every cycle should be ran with a test base and all of that. I just wanted to gain a lot of muscle again and made a conscious decision to except all the negative consequences that came along with the action.
Sides from other compounds can be controlled too i would drop test a little to 600mg and add deca at 400 mg. Caber for the deca and adex for estrogen. If your worried about your liver NAC and liv52