How often do inject in the same places

Wouldn't that be hard to do if your taking four injects a week??
Can you combine Deca and Primo or Primo and Winstrol in the same syringe or any other combo ???
MAC said:
Wouldn't that be hard to do if your taking four injects a week??
Can you combine Deca and Primo or Primo and Winstrol in the same syringe or any other combo ???

I inject every day, I rotate between glutes, delts and quads, thats 6 sites there, and every now and then will go for bis or tris
there is no set day. with deca I could go ever 2 or 3 days with an injection. with prop I would need almost a week (especially if it was a bad shot). but like needsize said I also inject everyday and just use glutes delts and quads. rule of thumb inject in the same site when it feels ready, you will be able to tell as you do more injections.
Not more than once per week. I use glutes, quads, delts, bis, and tris. I alternate bis and tris every other week, that means I can do 8 shots per week.
I go glutes, leg, and shoulder. And try and take a week off from each injection site, left leg one week then right leg the following week.
I inject every day, I rotate between glutes, delts and quads, thats 6 sites there, and every now and then will go for bis or tris
- needsize

I have only recently ventures off the glute into the quad. How would you locate the ideal position in your delt? Can you DIY or do you need someone to to do it for you?
After a while even once a week will build up scar tissue or at lease it did in my case. There are so many injection sites to use and i try to use them all before hitting the same one again. I used to hit my delts one or two times a week but the scar tissue built up and now it is like injecting into cardboard.