How to get big biceps..............

I was serious. :(

I keep doing hammer curls, preacher curls, barbell curls, and even concentration curls with my Johnson - and it's seriously not getting any bigger. What gives? :spin:

Ohhhhhhhhhh, you were serious?

Sorry, there is NO SUCH THING as a compound that targets a specific muscle group. Diet, rest, and proper training are what you need.

No the trick is having your gym buddy do hammer curls with your Johnson and after each set say "what a nice tea party"
Well I have heard of guys snorting tren ace for bigger biceps and pickle increase. But it makes you crap your panties
On any basic test cycle, my arms are the first to fill... If that doesn't work for you, just put rubber bands one inch above your elbow and one inch below your shoulder. Make sure they are real tight. Watch your bi's get huge! ***55357;***56832;
Lol at this thread. I'm always amused when some untrained dude, mostly coworkers marvel at different parts of my physique and think out loud about what it might take to achieve something like that or even close. For instance..." I want some forearms like yours. You do forearm curls huh!"
Me, "No, they're a waste of time bro." Them, "so what made your forearms so frickin huge."
Me, " 25 years of picking things up, then putting them down. Don't focus on your wimpy forearms, when your whole body is a twig. Learn how to eat and train properly with moderately heavy weight, Uzi g progressive resistance and if you can deadlift 3 wheels, row 100 lb dumbells then your forearms will have grown to allow that. Be patient, it'll take months to see strength increases and a year before notiiceble body changes. You can't be as be as me, but you can get bigger than you."
Good advice, but not quite raising to level of "sticky" yet.
If only a shot to the johnson would work--I could start my 2nd career in porn.
Dear All,
I want to make big biceps so please suggest me the best steroid. I have heard that Dianabol is good for developing big biceps with workout.

I want to make big balls with workout. I have heard that large amounts of test cypionate without HCG will accomplish this and also massage therapy.
inb4 OP finds the answer and posts update pic

You seems to be very idiot person and very little knowledge about AAS. I have do have much more knowledge than you. You dont know that with AAS you cant make muscles. You did'nt even see gym. You people give a bad name to steroids and blot on the name of steroids. You need to grow up and gain some knowledge. People who are not giving proper answers are totally coward and stupid like you they did not even workout in their life...idiot. You should gain knowledge and dont comment like mad.
You seems to be very idiot person and very little knowledge about AAS. I have do have much more knowledge than you. You dont know that with AAS you cant make muscles. You did'nt even see gym. You people give a bad name to steroids and blot on the name of steroids. You need to grow up and gain some knowledge. People who are not giving proper answers are totally coward and stupid like you they did not even workout in their life...idiot. You should gain knowledge and dont comment like mad.

Sittin' on my couch eating cheetos and bon-bons, sipping gatorade while watching America's Next Top Model reruns in my pajamas in Mom's basement.

Damn, you totally saw through my internet facade and have outed me for all to see. :(

I guess it's back to the World of Warcraft forums for this 1337 d00d! :cockblock


You're just not grasping how the human body works, and are hoping for a short cut to obtaining a body that you think will actually get you laid. Sorry kid, nothing worth doing in life is easy - nor does it often have a short cut available. Read everything you can, learn how to diet, and hit the gym HARD. Eventually you'll understand why you were made fun of, I promise. :)