How to make nandrolon phenylpropionat?


New member
Hi, please anybody knows how to make nandrolon phenylpropionat?
Is the procedure same like for deca?

Phenyl has about 3x higher melting point than deca, so I am not sure if it is also soluable in oil alone and it is sufficient to use BA only.

And second question, what you think is better - deca or phenyl? I heard that phenyl is more efficient and has less side effects but I am not sure..

Very thanks for answers.
3%BA/15%BB unless your BA sensetive then 2%BA/20%BB at 100mg/ml. Most like NPP better. It kicks in sooner, leaves sooner and seems to cause less bloat, but EOD shots get old after a while. Good starter/finisher for deca in longer cycles.
NPP doesn't need to be shot eod, e3d is fine, you might get away with e4d but I wouldn't chance it

NPP is far superior to deca IMO. I really do notice less bloat between the two, more than with long and short esters tests.
whats the low and high dose spectrum of npp? i want to add it to tren and prop. my prop is gonna be at least 700 a week and my tren i think is gonna stay at 350 now how much npp can i add with out killing my sex drive. thanks
simpllyhuge said:
whats the low and high dose spectrum of npp? i want to add it to tren and prop. my prop is gonna be at least 700 a week and my tren i think is gonna stay at 350 now how much npp can i add with out killing my sex drive. thanks
You are mixing tren with nandralone? I'll be interested in how it turns out for you.