HRT For Me Starts Tomorrow!!!!


New member
So I finially found someone to help me. Had all my blood work done, MRI of the pituitary, and a physical. Faxed it to this guy and the next day I talked to him, he had this for me:
200mg test / week
500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x a week
Arimadex 3x a week

Only need to pick up some wipes.

I really like this guy. He was able to help after 3 other Dr.s wouldn't do shit. My test levels were tested from 260 - 396 at 36 years old.

If anyone would like this guys direct phone number, let me know.
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Thats a high dose for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Are you gonna get blood tested again once you start cause im willing to bet thats gonna put your levels over 1100 and out of the normal range.
Im just asking because a legitimate doc will wanna keep you around 1000-1100. Thats where you get the health benefits such as improved cholesterol, thyroid function, etc, and generally feel the best. You get out of the normal range and its detrimental to those things.
Yeah that seems to high of a dose. I was only doing 100mgs a week and my levels shot into 1500... So he put me on 80mgs a week. If i was you i'd save 100 a week, so the next time your levels come back around normal range you'll keep getting a little extra to store on the side.
Yeah that seems to high of a dose. I was only doing 100mgs a week and my levels shot into 1500... So he put me on 80mgs a week. If i was you i'd save 100 a week, so the next time your levels come back around normal range you'll keep getting a little extra to store on the side.

doses vary per person . im 300 mg eow to get in the 700 range.
Yeah that seems to high of a dose. I was only doing 100mgs a week and my levels shot into 1500... So he put me on 80mgs a week. If i was you i'd save 100 a week, so the next time your levels come back around normal range you'll keep getting a little extra to store on the side.

I would definitely do this.
Thats a high dose for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Are you gonna get blood tested again once you start cause im willing to bet thats gonna put your levels over 1100 and out of the normal range.

Not for me - I do 250/week and stay around 950 level. I guess it depends on your absorption and body weight. I weigh 215.
Not for me - I do 250/week and stay around 950 level. I guess it depends on your absorption and body weight. I weigh 215.

I dont think bodyweight has anything to do with it. I weigh 210 and it only takes me 150mg week to get 1000.
I do 150/wk see my results below + a question?????

I have been doing 150/wk for 6 weeks and just got my tests back today.........just a touch under 900 and feeling pretty good. Should I be aiming for that the magic number?

Thinking about adding 25-50mg every day DHEA into the mix....any thoughts?

43 yrs old
190lbs very little body fat
Prior to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) total test was @ 480
How did you get testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with total test @ 480?

I'm 36 and my levels were 260 - 396 and 3 Dr.s wouldn't do shit.

You are one lucky man.
I explained to my Doc that Testosterone ranges are subjective and that normal test ranges for my age were not normal test ranges for a younger man (they were a lot lower).......I don't want to feel just ok for a 43 yr old. I want to feel as good as I did when I was in my twenties!

My test numbers were middle of the road for my age group and probably explained why I felt so lousy. In first going on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I was wanting to get to the high end of the range for my age. I'm there now thanks to 150mg cyp per week.

I had to educate my Doc on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) initially and told him that I wanted to feel like I did when I was younger not like some average guy in his 40's but ultimately the results speak for themselves.....I feel much better! I guess I'm lucky I found a good Doc. That said I'm thinking about a consult with an anti aging Doc in the near future. Try to get ultra progressive in my treatment.

All Things Male - Center for Men's Health

I printed off a lot of info from this site for him and that really helped.

Your test levels are mediocre dude...middle of the road like mine were. IF you really are feeling the symptoms of low Test than just tell him so and have your information/research ready to hare with him. I bet you he comes around.

Good luck!
Shit sorry dude, didn't realize you were the guy that started this thread....glad to hear you found a good Doc.

Maybe others will find my post helpful.

BTW that is a lot of test for TRT......please post your labs when you get them. I think you will be way past high-normal ranges with that much. Should be feeling pretty damn good though.