HW GP04 thoughts


New member
I think the first thing that comes to mind is that Hammer House is once again a team to be reckoned with. Coleman really pushed Fedor for a while and Randleman took out Crocop! They both also had Chuck Liddel with them too. I'm picking Fedor to take it. What about yall?
muddy said:
I think the first thing that comes to mind is that Hammer House is once again a team to be reckoned with. Coleman really pushed Fedor for a while and Randleman took out Crocop! They both also had Chuck Liddel with them too. I'm picking Fedor to take it. What about yall?

Wow, what a surprise that Randleman beat Crocop huh?
I don't think many people were expecting that. I know I wasn't. I like Randleman but I didn't think he could beat Mirko.
I'm picking Fedor to take the GP too. A lot of people are thinking Nog will take it but I'm staying with one of my original two. One was Crocop and the other was Fedor. Do you think Randleman has a chance to win it?
Cro cop didn't take Randleman seriously. He looked sluggish as shit. He didn't get off 1 single kick!! Not 1. I would hate to be the next person Cro cop fights. He's gonna be one pissed off dude. Hopefully he'll get to fight Randleman again.