I am figuring out that these artificial sweeteners are bad for dieting.

I am figuring out that these artificial sweeteners are bad for dieting. But what can i eat and drink instead? The only alternative has sugar in it. I am suck at about 188 lbs and usually only eat nuts and foods & drinks with artificial sweeteners in them. ( low carb bars, energy drinks, vitamin zero drinks, whey with artificial sweeteners, diet soda, etc.) I need food on the go, but what? I don't have time or patience to make meals all the time. Any help would be much appreciated. I am assuming a lot of people are having this same problem. Do they have any Stevia mean replacement bars? I hear Stevia is natural and does not have the sides for dieting the other artificial sweeteners do.
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Don't really have a sweet tooth myself, so I can't help you much there. you just gotta get used to drinking water. food on the go? prepare your chicken a few days ahead of time, cook it all at once. theres a recipe for protein brownies somewhere I can probably look up if you're interested. try to stay away from bars and use real foods instead.

whats your schedule like man? sounds like you are very busy
Everyone is busy and convenience rules all. i guess i could order plain whey and add stevia in instead and make meal bars out of it too.
its ok to have your sweeteners once in awhile man. it seems like you're trying to cut, so be sure you're in a caloric deficit. im not sure on the science on this, but i would be STRONGLY surprised if you used artificial sweeteners and still couldn't lose weight with a 500 calorie deficit.

id suggest posting up your current diet so we can critique it in the forums and see if there might be other reasons you stalled besides the sweeteners
"low carb bars, energy drinks, vitamin zero drinks, whey with artificial sweeteners, diet soda, e"

you need some real food. nothing wrong with splenda. if you had lean protein, healthy fats, and some complex carbs but kept yourself on a calorie deficit. Then threw in some cardio you should be losing and not stuck. I go crazy for splenda and it's never kept me from losing weight, never had any side effects. stevia is garbage. even though it has a small amount of carbs, it adds up.
Everyone is busy and convenience rules all. i guess i could order plain whey and add stevia in instead and make meal bars out of it too.

I bought a 10lb tub of unflavored whey a little while ago, and I think this would work. I'd try this myself, but like mispronounced I don't really have a sweet tooth and just take they whey plain.

I kinda used to have a similar problem with artificial sweeters. I don't think that a little here or there is bad, but the problem was that I couldn't just stand a little. I'd have a diet coke, or I'd add a little splenda to my iced tea, and the next thing I knew i would be adding tablespoon after tablespoon to every meal I was having. I decided to just completely cut them out, and after a little while I completely lost my desire for them.

I took a pretty drastic approach, but basically I'm just trying to reassure you if you think you're using them too much for whatever reasons, it gets easier to not use them so much after a little while of cutting them out/reducing the amount you use.
Guess I didn't take into account that the more weight you lose the less calories or food you can eat if you want to lose more weight. Not sure
How much less I can eat though. I am betting that incorporating flaxseed into my diet will help. I seem to be in the right track now.
how many calories are you eating now?

to be honest, losing weight is not THAT complicated. given a good ratio of p/c/f, a caloric deficit is all you need to lose weight. no need to overcomplicate it with flaxseed oil and low carb bars with a certain type of fake sugar. you ever notice how the fat women always hop on diet fads and they never work? theyre worrying about where the food comes from, when they should be eating, when to exercise, what magic pills to take, etc etc. yet guys here just reduce portion size and start shedding weight? simply put, if you arent in a deficit, nothing else matters. (this is for a natural, gear changes everything)
its flaxseed meal. Suppose to make you shit more and makes you more full so you dont feel the need to eat. I add it into my whey shakes. I was at a stand still for the longest time but i am declining now. I was in my best shape when i was 170 so i only need about 17 lbs to go. No idea how many calories i am eating, I space my food out and try to eat low calorie everything.I am going to stick to the same plan because it got me this far just have to keep reducing calories the closer i get to my goal
alright bud. not too sure why you made this thread then since youre ignoring everything we say and doing your own thing. but hey, do whatever you wanna do
i took your advice i am cutting portions and eating less calories. Doing a daily log of my foot intake is just not feasible. I do not have the time or patience right now. when i hit another road block I will rethink my plan.
i took your advice i am cutting portions and eating less calories. Doing a daily log of my foot intake is just not feasible. I do not have the time or patience right now. when i hit another road block I will rethink my plan.

if you have time to post on ology, you have time for a food log. takes all of 5 minutes a day
Okay you win. I gain 3 lbs yesterday and barely eat anything. I started to log everything as of this morning and will keep track of weight.. should be easy since I buy most of my food the day of. Ill post my log next week.
great job, glad my tough love worked.

dont worry too much about the scale. if youre consistently eating under maintance and some days you seem to gain, dont worry too much, its just natural fluctuations. now if you gain a pound a day for a week straight.... we might have problems. but little things like that, no big deal