I can't afford to hire 3j..... Bullshit


New member
The title to my thread may be a bit harsh. And yes, there may be some people on very hard times that truly feel that they cant afford to hire 3j's nutritional network for their nutritional counseling.
The fact is, what most people don't realize, is that if you are living off of mcdonalds and rice cakes, 3j could find a way to manipulate what you have to work with into a successful diet for you. Instead of mcdonalds, he'd probably have you go to subway, structure all your meals for you, based on what you have to work with, and chances are, he'd be able structure the cost of your diet to where you'd actually save enough money on the foods that he'd have you eating, to be able to absorb the minimal cost of his services. Give it a shot guys. You can't lose with 3j's nutritional network!!!
I signed up with 3J and with Christmas money is a little tight. He was more than willing to work with me to get me sorted out and started. If you think financial an issue and your on a budget send him an email he responds quickly(usually within 10min), I swear he sits at his computer all day long and he will work with you within your budget and it is way cheaper than eating out. 3J takes the financial out of the equation so there is no excuse not to use him. Just my 2 cents worth
Nutrition is the most important part of bodybuilding. Many times guys will drop a grand on gear but not a single cent on nutritional coaching. Once a guy gets that second set of eyes looking at him and starts rolling on a sound nutrition plan all of a sudden profound changes happen to their physiques. Proper nutrition should always be our first priority.
the more i pay attention to people it's not the money they have a problem with it's the discipline it takes to stick to eating 6+ meals a day. Cook for it, giving up sugars and food they don't want to give up. His diets take some commitment. That sacrifice is what makes the difference and most people aren't willing to do it.
the more i pay attention to people it's not the money they have a problem with it's the discipline it takes to stick to eating 6+ meals a day. Cook for it, giving up sugars and food they don't want to give up. His diets take some commitment. That sacrifice is what makes the difference and most people aren't willing to do it.

Very true,it is hard work cooking all the food especially when everyone is so used to quick meals. The discipline is the most important. Im on a 3J diet and no bullshit sometimes I feel shaky or my mouth starts watering when I see a chocolate bar or some oreo cookies. I have to fight the urge not to eat it as im not allowed it in my diet. I just think iv worked so hard to get a little gain and I can fuck it up with one binge eating session. I just dont do it
Nutrition is the most important part of bodybuilding. Many times guys will drop a grand on gear but not a single cent on nutritional coaching. Once a guy gets that second set of eyes looking at him and starts rolling on a sound nutrition plan all of a sudden profound changes happen to their physiques. Proper nutrition should always be our first priority.

heavyiron is that you in your avatar. How much do you weigh bro?Sick body youv got,hopefully il look like that someday
Nutrition is the most important part of bodybuilding. Many times guys will drop a grand on gear but not a single cent on nutritional coaching. Once a guy gets that second set of eyes looking at him and starts rolling on a sound nutrition plan all of a sudden profound changes happen to their physiques. Proper nutrition should always be our first priority.

Possibly the best post i've seen anyone write on here.

Well said my friend.

And your looking in top shape in your pic.
heavyiron is that you in your avatar. How much do you weigh bro?Sick body youv got,hopefully il look like that someday

Yes, the avy is me in early November of 2011. Then I was depleted at 220lbs. I now weigh 231 on a lean bulking phase. The plan is to push to 240ish and stay lean but we will see.

Possibly the best post i've seen anyone write on here.

Well said my friend.

And your looking in top shape in your pic.

Thank you,

I have been dieting with a nutritionist for 8 months or so this year and I don't even look like the same person. It has been worth every penny hiring a diet guy. I wish I had done this years ago.
heavyiron iv got a lot of weight to put on to get to tht size,im 167. How long did it take to get to your shape in the avatar?im guessing atleast a couple of years right?
Yes, the avy is me in early November of 2011. Then I was depleted at 220lbs. I now weigh 231 on a lean bulking phase. The plan is to push to 240ish and stay lean but we will see.

Thank you,

I have been dieting with a nutritionist for 8 months or so this year and I don't even look like the same person. It has been worth every penny hiring a diet guy. I wish I had done this years ago.

Well you look outstanding pal.

Im hiring 3J next year around feb time.

Im currently around 240 and im wanting to add another 15lbs and then do a cut so in a years time im around 12% body fat.

Thats my plan :)
heavyiron iv got a lot of weight to put on to get to tht size,im 167. How long did it take to get to your shape in the avatar?im guessing at least a couple of years right?

I returned to the gym 5 years ago after an 8 year lay off. When I was in my 20's I ran many high dose cycles and was pushing 250 but always fat. LOL!
I'm in my mid forties now so my mass days are going to be over soon. Total years training very hard is around 11-12 years but with many years off in between some of those stretches.
Well you look outstanding pal.

Im hiring 3J next year around feb time.

Im currently around 240 and im wanting to add another 15lbs and then do a cut so in a years time im around 12% body fat.

Thats my plan :)

Thanks brother.

Hiring a diet guy is the smartest thing you can do. Good luck with your goals and keep us posted.
Even though I am going with 3J personally, times are pretty rough on most people right now.
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Even though I am going with 3J personally, I do kinda see it as narrow minded and offensive to strike down on people who cannot afford to sink that much money into something that may not be important as Christmas for their children, food for their father that lives with them who is elderly, and their 2 kids, or to pay off the overwhelming medical bills that they have because their wife has been fighting cancer for 2 years...The list goes on of people experiencing the real world.

But your right, hiring 3J still makes perfect sense in their position.
V i dont think anyone was trying to strike down those types of people...

what chip is trying to say is people usually waste money on crap supplements and unnecessary foods. i come in and clean all that up, put the foods that are necessary and they usually save money or break even... most my clients tell me they are saving 20-30 dollars a week after signing up with me.. that's something to point out i guess..

so dont take it the wrong way my man... chip meant nothing like that.. he's got the heart of a lion i tell ya... and the soul of a priest.. he only means good
3js the man hell help u get diced n get more pusssy. nah but seriously good at what he does . OI how do u put a pic on ur posts n shit?? profile pic
Without a doubt 3J IS the best, and Chip was indeed making a good point hence why I am putting my resources into him and trusting him helping me in my goals.
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even though i am going with 3j personally, i do kinda see it as narrow minded and offensive to strike down on people who cannot afford to sink that much money into something that may not be important as christmas for their children, food for their father that lives with them who is elderly, and their 2 kids, or to pay off the overwhelming medical bills that they have because their wife has been fighting cancer for 2 years...the list goes on of people experiencing the real world.

But your right, hiring 3j still makes perfect sense in their position.

zerov..... You got me all wrong, brother. I grew up poor. From the ages of 5-19, i lived in 13 different homes and 3 hotels. I carried a christmas tree up to the 9th floor of one hotel cause i didn't want to get caught with it on the elevator! Please do not judge me on my post. 3j put it exactly as i meant to say it. I have lived and seen mor destitute and hard times in my life than most people would never want to dream of. I know hard times. Trust me.