i cant choose


New member
help me out folks, my bf is freggin cose to single digits, im 78kg/171lb
my goals: MOAR ABS, shoulder n neck is second priority.
i do not want this bloated look at all, this is why i added win/ari
my goals r not to gain massive ammounts of mass, id be happy with 6-11lb dat will stick when im done.
now, is the first one listed here overkill for me? i have done test e b4 and gained massive gains And wather at 500mg ew
guess loads of that wather was cause of all the junkfood i ate.
strict diet this time.
sry for my crappy spelling folks ;0

uke 1-3 100mg propionate ed.
uke 1-10 500mg enanthate ew.
uke 4-10 50mg winstrol ed.
uke 13-16 20mg nolvadex ed.
uke 1-10 05mg arimidex ed.

uke 1-3 50mg propionate e2d.
uke 1-10 250mg enanthate ew.
uke 4-10 50mg winstrol ed.
uke 13-16 20mg nolvadex ed.
uke 1-10 05mg arimidex ed.

uke 1-10 250mg enanthate ew.
uke 4-10 50mg winstrol ed.
uke 13-16 20mg nolvadex ed.
uke 1-10 05mg arimidex ed.
this is also an option.

uke 1-10 100mg propionate eod.
uke 4-10 50mg winstrol ed.
uke 13-16 20mg nolvadex ed.
uke 1-10 05mg arimidex ed.
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Abs are made in the kitchen. I'm not sure I like any of these cycles, personally. Is this your second cycle?
its like my 4 or 5th
i think the last one is the way to go, i was hopeing not to pin eod
still it is a short ester and it will leave my body faster if i have to abort.

i know the kitchen is like 50% of everything, still i feel like i have come to a stilstand.
testo will bump my appetite.

im 29yrs old btw

im not that familiar with arimidex, is that what u dont like about this, or the win?

i have not been using short esters either, will it bloat the same way as a long ester?

1-10 100mg propionate eod.
4-10 50mg winstrol ed.
11-14 20mg nolvadex ed.
1-10 05mg arimidex ed. <- do i need ari to fight bloat?
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The notion that long esters bloat more than short esters is a myth. Test is test is test.

What I don't like about your cycles is:
* they're short (I'd say 12-16 weeks)
* winstrol doesn't automatically make this a "cutting" cycle
* arimidex should be used prn, not just qd like you've got it here
* i worry about your diet
* pinning ed and eod is a pain in the ass

Stanozolol and drostanolone are the classic cutting/drying out/contest-prep compounds. With drostanolone (masteron), you can get the enanthate ester and pin it 2x/wk with test e. That seems to me the better bet. But it's is not very anabolic (I forget the ratio), so you need to keep a solid test base. If it's your 4th cycle, I could see 600-750 mg of test with drostanolone, oxandrolone, and a strict diet having good results since you don't really want to cut so much as you want to lean bulk. Or do I misunderstand?

Where did oyu get the cycle you're asking about here?
ty mate for giveing me answers, there is alot of different info to find on this subject ;)
my goal is not a lean bulk, my gym does not tolerate steroids and i like that place so i had a hope i could pass my stillstand without growing out of my gym ;9

i did not get this cycle anywhere, im courious about winstrol and would like to give it a try.
was told there was no point of doin' winstrol allone and that i should have a test base.

all this gyno talk is a bit scary, so i figured propionate would be better if i had to abort.
the reason im a bit worried about gyno.. my second go with steroids, i had a hard time getting off and the cycle lasted for about a year.
im not sure if this made me gyno sensitive but i tought my nipples started pointing down a bit lol.
dont know if this is caused by my gains or test converting. i did not get this "tingeling" numb sore feeling dat some one talks about.
and this is why "i was told to do arimidex ed during the whole cycle" was also told this would keep me from bloating aswell

i know i have to read up more on pct/nolvadex and arimidex.
im not a pro in this game.. i know there is a shitload of good knowledge out there. the hard part is finding it ;p

so there is no point of doing arimidex unless u need it?
i tought you could use nolvadex for this pourpose too. if needed (gyno)

english is not my native language, reading it is no problem..the spelling is worse ;=
im not happy to say i dont count my calories
im struggeli'n with more than 5 meals a day when im off
looks somthing like this

morning, oatmeal/banana
before lunch proteinshake.. i sometimes skip this one.
lunch, cottage cheese, quark n bread or leftover tuna/chicken
dinner chicken, rice, broccoli, tuna, fish, meat
after workout, proteinshake/bananas, fruit
evening leftover chicken, tuna, bread n quark

Omega3 n BCAA