Testosterone propionate and Turinabol(Anavar?)

Deltoid was really nice actually considering that it was easy to inject and don't have to aspirate. I aspirated on glute but i got pip and it still hurts since Wednesday, i still haven't understood if aspirating is good or bad its like 50% i read says always aspirate and 50% say its not necessary. i will be 4 weeks on vacations and i guess that i will have to start shooting hcg second week of cycle with prop? would it help if i run and cut the hcg and continue later or will it only be worst? Also isn't 1000iu too much? I thought that 500iu was enough.("The ideal way to use hCG on cycle is to start with your cycle at 250iu twice a week.")
You never have to aspirate bro, that's old school which isn't even practiced in hospitals anymore.
You can literally inject 40cc of air straight into a vein and nothing will happen except short of breath and violent coughing for 1-3 minutes.
Plus, to actually hold a vein you need to be at 90 degree angle and not a 180 straight above, it's not as easy as people think, why do you think all junkies have so horrible veins? (yes some is fentanyl but not all of it...)

What? That's just poor planning on your part, 4 weeks is ending any cycle, how are you handling injecting prop during the vacation?
I don't think 500 iu per week is enough, I personally do 1500 iu split on 3 injections and I feel so much better and so does my balls lol. It also helps a lot with the shelf life, each 5000 vial ends up being used in 3.3 weeks and shelf life is about 30 days, so playing it safe and helping my balls more, win win :)
If you do for example 500 iu per week, thats 10 weeks and 6 weeks over the shelf life, which means you could almost inject water and get the same result for the last 5 weeks or 10 injections... 1000iu per week is 5 weeks, which means you'll be one week over the shelf life. Food for thought.
Of course you could pre load and freeze and avoid the shelf life issue but damn, not worth my time, that's for sure.

Could you explain this vacation thing because its weird to start a cycle and then just bail on it for 4 weeks, like, you will feel like total shit lol...
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I plan to shoot twice the amount of testosterone 2 weeks before so that the test can hold me 4 weeks when i cant inject. Jk. I have supplier at the country im traveling to but the hcg require fridge and thats a prob
I plan to shoot twice the amount of testosterone 2 weeks before so that the test can hold me 4 weeks when i cant inject. Jk. I have supplier at the country im traveling to but the hcg require fridge and thats a prob

What shithole are you travelling to if a regular fridge is a problem? :O
Could buy a small high quality beer box though, isn't THAT expensive and you can reuse it at home :)
What shithole are you travelling to if a regular fridge is a problem? :O
Could buy a small high quality beer box though, isn't THAT expensive and you can reuse it at home :)

My parents house is actually the problem because im travelling to the country they live in. So lets say that i start hcg now but cant continue when im there because of the problem storing it. In case that i cant continue would it have been better never have ran the hcg from the beginning and run it only at the end?or it doesn't really mater if i cut it and run it in the end anyway? I know im to old to hide stuff like that but i prefer that they dont know about my abuses(even if they may understand from the results).
So after converting to the damned American numbers I have you roughly 5.6 feet tall and 158lbs and age 23. . . . I'm 5.75 feet tall and your weight basically. 162-165lbs.

16kg in a year is over 32lbs. . . . definitely not lean muscle. I went from medication induced low T and "anorexia" from meds and was about 135lbs/61kg up to 172lbs/78kg on 200mg test cyp per week and something like 3500-4000 calories per day. TT was 1500ng/dL. Being TRT I dropped the dose to 80mg wk with a TT of 400s and am sitting st my normal/no meds 162lbs/73kg no working out and not eating until after noon/12 PM. I'm epileptic and do nothing except laundry and dishes.

Eat better and train better. My avi is current.

Do what you do but you're not genetically maxed out and could have possibly done irreversible damage to your HPTA, brain and bone development.

Log it with pics and labs. I rep for logs anyway.
Its actually pretty lean mass believe it or not going from around 25% bf to 13% bf by only losing 6kg is good work. I agree that some damage have been done but im still not destroyed
Get er done then young forum bro. Only time I've ever seen a 20lb 1 year increase is in highschool where kids grew about 3-4" and went from video games to lifting and football/wrestling.

I'll be waiting for pics and the log.
16kg in a year is over 32lbs. . . . definitely not lean muscle.

I was letting it slide because I didn't want another argument and discussion leading nowhere but yeh, you're absolutely right.
Even with slin use it would be a true feat... :P

Pictures would be cool to see though, always wondered how "genetic max" actually looks like ;)
I was letting it slide because I didn't want another argument and discussion leading nowhere but yeh, you're absolutely right.
Even with slin use it would be a true feat... :P

Pictures would be cool to see though, always wondered how "genetic max" actually looks like ;)

Could agree that its hard natty(sarms were in the game) to make the difference but lets see facts started eating quite clean considering 4000 calories per day from June until december i got from 56kg to 76 kg bf around 25% then ran a sarms cycle to bulk and lose fat at the same time ran lgd-4033 10mg 10weeks and rad-140 20mg 11 weeks(should have ran it 12 weeks but caught a cold that lasted 2 weeks so i stoped the cycle but still hit the gym even sick) went 78 kg until middle of February then ran a mini pct with cardarine at 20mg and mk-2866 20mg 4 weeks i started cutting with my pct dropped to 2500 calories per day and only lean food no pasta etc i lost 4kg in 4 weeks. I dropped to fast and understood that i had to calibrate my calories again and dragged them up to 3000 so yes from then until now im stuck to 72-73 kg
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Do you think you can just eat and gain infinitely? You don't think there's limit and diminishing returns?
Why aren't every bodybuilder 500kg++ huge then?

You haven't kept a basic training log so that makes me doubtful about the rest of your statements. How did you measure body fat for example?
Its measured with the eye, thats why i say about 13% bf might even be up to 16% not more then that. Gym logs?
After my depression i that i stopped working out i started the gym again in 1 august and i started from 20kg(only the bar) bench press, squads, barbel row, overhead press, deadlifts the classic 5x5.
I was limited on the squads due health issue so i had to do a surgery. After that i was good to go.
Right now i stand on 5x5
75kg bench press
107,5kg squads
72,5kg barbel row
90kg deadlifts(1x5 i warm up to 90kg)
Overhead press 50kg
I feel that i cant step it up from here without more calories intake ive been stuck like this for 2 weeks now
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Lets see some pictures bro :)

What you can lift means very little, especially without a video of you doing it. You also shouldn't train to lift weights but train to develop your body, weights is always secondary. Proper form, time under tension and pump is where it's at, really squeezing those muscles AND the right ones... ;)

For example, try doing 20 reps deadlifts that each takes you 10 seconds to execute. Let me know how that feels :P
Bang out at least 4 sets, only rest 45-60 seconds maximum between.

The training can never be static, run whatever program you like but change every 4 to 6 weeks, the body adapts way to easily.
You need to shock it constantly and make it uncomfortable.
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Lets see some pictures bro :)

What you can lift means very little, especially without a video of you doing it. You also shouldn't train to lift weights but train to develop your body, weights is always secondary. Proper form, time under tension and pump is where it's at, really squeezing those muscles AND the right ones... ;)

By choice i dont want to release pictures right now or maybe even ever (i have tattoos that i can be identified easily and its not in my interest being known for steroid abuse) and it isnt relevant it just has to do with you being satisfied if you can trust me or not but still i can fake pictures anyway so you will just have to trust me that all im saying is true ;)

My time table is as the 5x5 app if its easy 1:30 min between if its hard i might have to wait 5 min

I really dont find it wise to do 20 reps deadlifts 10 second each or any exercise maybe when i was on anavar okay but not natty its to heavy for my body my muscles just get sore and i have never seen a good difference by doing to many reps with weights i do a max of 4x10 dips and pull ups that are aerobic.
I have a really fast metabolism so burning to much get me thin to fast.
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By choice i dont want to release pictures right now or maybe even ever (i have tattoos that i can be identified easily and its not in my interest being known for steroid abuse) and it isnt relevant it just has to do with you being satisfied if you can trust me or not but still i can fake pictures anyway so you will just have to trust me that all im saying is true ;)

We all have tattoos and it's not in anyone's interest, don't be a shy sissy now and you also don't a full bodysuit so dont even play like that ;)
And you're not proving it to me, you're proving it to yourself, big difference. You can talk the talk but do you walk the walk? Doubtful :p