Testosterone propionate and Turinabol(Anavar?)

We all have tattoos and it's not in anyone's interest, don't be a shy sissy now and you also don't a full bodysuit so dont even play like that ;)
And you're not proving it to me, you're proving it to yourself, big difference. You can talk the talk but do you walk the walk? Doubtful :p
my tattoo on my shoulder says Mum look.....View attachment 567786 just got it done last week.
I was letting it slide because I didn't want another argument and discussion leading nowhere but yeh, you're absolutely right.
Even with slin use it would be a true feat... :P

Pictures would be cool to see though, always wondered how "genetic max" actually looks like ;)

He basically looks like me as far as height and weight. Possibly a little more stocky and slightly shorter. I dont even lift. haha

I did go up almost 30 lbs but I went from low T and not eating to free T that's was twice the range, estrogen twice the range, heavy lifting and 3500-4000 calories a day. I dropped 10 lbs as soon as I dropped the test dose and increased AI.

As I was told when I asked the weight gains were more than likely muscle glycogen storage and water (carboHYDRATE) in my muscles and also water retention with the high estrogen.
It would really be interesting if you guys could answer the Q about the hcg so that i might know what choices i have otherwise i will go with hcg at the end of the cycle
It would be very cool if you researched what you put in your body or not and why lol ;)
Do I care in the sense you're a naive kid that need guidance? Yes, yes I do.
Will I lay sleepless at night thinking how you hurt yourself out of sheer stupidity and laziness? No, not really.
Alright then, ill do what my guts says. Don’t worry you wont find me in trt section or in this forum. The help i got from this thread is close to zero, so there is no point of asking or coming with updates. Have a nice one ;)
This isn't the forum to tell you the safest way to make possibly huge mistakes. I've been on steroid forums for about 15 years now and this is probably the most "responsible usage" forum I've been on.

Premix and load slin pins with doses.
Pull in a little air and then freeze them needle up.
pull out as needed.
Come home resume HCG.
My weekly measurements fluctuate depending on how horny I am and if I eat 50 or 100 milligrams of viagra. :wackit:
How's the cycle going there buddy?

Alive and well thanks 2 and a half weeks in had to play a bit with the aromasin to find the dosage that matches me so I changed from 10mg eod to 10 eod and now 20 eod because of the sides i find it better like this.
The pip have stopped so im doing a lot better at the gym. First 1,5 week was a bit hard training delts and squad at max because of the PIP and getting used to the testosterone.
Age 23
172 cm height
About 13% bf
Diet around 2900-3300 calories

1-10 (changed from 8w to 10w) weeks test propionate 450mg weekly
1-6 weeks turinabol 60mg daily
1-8 0,5mg arimidex eod
1-2 weeks 20 mg rad-140 daily(kick off)
1-8 cardarine 20mg daily
(Skip anavar finish)

Liv52 ds
(Vitamins a lot omega3 etc)

Mk-2688 20mg ed 4 weeks
(Hcg not included only in worst case im not a fan of hcg read a lot of bad things so will only use if necessary).

I willin do the cycle anyways im only writing to see if anyone has anything to recommend.


wait a few more years bro, work on your diet and training more. that alone will yield more gains solid.
To talk about HCG and any bad effects. I've basically went off and back onto it twice over my almost 2 years on TRT. Most I've noticed is there may he some estrogen created from the testosterone and possibly from testicular creation in the process of using it. I've linked ot somewhere else but our balls make estrogen. Mostly for local use but I suppose some can probably make it into the general blood stream.

It's to keep our balls somewhat functioning. If our balls are engines a cycle shuts them down. The HCG keeps them functioning and producing some amount of testosterone. Like an engine, if left off forgot long starting it and it even running right get less and less the longer it remains just sitting there. Your balls will shrink and the worse the atrophy the harder a restart/ PCT will be. Little bitty balls make little testosterone. Bigger balls due to HCG usage are at least a warmed up engine.

HCG has no worse side effects than orals and probably most steroids.

We take an aromatase inhibitor to keep estrogen down. We take HCG to keep our balls somewhat ready to fire back up when the PCT drugs tell oir brains our bodies need estrogen and the release of LH and FSH. It's a preventive measure to offset the side effects of shutting down our HPTA.

In a perfect world we would have figured out how to keep our natural system running while on cycle. But we cant.
To talk about HCG and any bad effects. I've basically went off and back onto it twice over my almost 2 years on TRT. Most I've noticed is there may he some estrogen created from the testosterone and possibly from testicular creation in the process of using it. I've linked ot somewhere else but our balls make estrogen. Mostly for local use but I suppose some can probably make it into the general blood stream.

It's to keep our balls somewhat functioning. If our balls are engines a cycle shuts them down. The HCG keeps them functioning and producing some amount of testosterone. Like an engine, if left off forgot long starting it and it even running right get less and less the longer it remains just sitting there. Your balls will shrink and the worse the atrophy the harder a restart/ PCT will be. Little bitty balls make little testosterone. Bigger balls due to HCG usage are at least a warmed up engine.

HCG has no worse side effects than orals and probably most steroids.

We take an aromatase inhibitor to keep estrogen down. We take HCG to keep our balls somewhat ready to fire back up when the PCT drugs tell oir brains our bodies need estrogen and the release of LH and FSH. It's a preventive measure to offset the side effects of shutting down our HPTA.

In a perfect world we would have figured out how to keep our natural system running while on cycle. But we cant.

We actually can keep our balls producing testosterone and sperm, at least while on TRT doses up to 200mg. A study showed that 250iu EOD while on 200mg of testosterone kept the men's balls producing 90% of their baseline intratesticular testosterone levels. While upping the HCG dose to 500iu EOD actually raised intratesticular testosterone to something like 105-110% of baseline levels. Now I haven't yet seen studies done on bodybuilder dosages or Anabolics compounds like deca or Tren, but I believe HCG will be effective on nearly any amount of growth agents.
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I wouldn't be to worried about looking leaner but you'll want to adjust your diet so you run a calorie surplus. 5 weeks in you should be filling out/swelling muscles. 3Js thread talks about adjusting calories with weight gain to keep gaining!!!

Keep logging man!!!
We actually can keep our balls producing testosterone and sperm, at least while on TRT doses up to 200mg. A study showed that 250iu EOD while on 200mg of testosterone kept the men's balls producing 90% of their baseline intratesticular testosterone levels. While upping the HCG dose to 500iu EOD actually raised intratesticular testosterone to something like 105-110% of baseline levels. Now I haven't yet seen studies done on bodybuilder dosages or Anabolics compounds like deca or Tren, but I believe HCG will be effective on nearly any amount of growth agents.

yes i totwlly aggre.