I can't take Test, need advice

Mr. X

New member
Here's my problem. Whenever I even look at my QV Enanthate 250 my nips get sore, even while taking Novladex. So I need advice from experienced bros, on what to build my cycles off of.

I can take Deca or Fina without the gyno problems. I haven't ran the two at the same time yet. I'm looking at EQ as the base for which to build future cycles. Why EQ? Because from what I've gathered, it has a similar chemical structure to Test, at about 50% of the estrogen conversion.

My question: For those of you that are sensative to Test, what kind of cycles do you take?

Note: I'm not looking to get huge, and I realize that I probably need Test to do that.....

My Stats:
6-2, 210, upper teens bf%, age 35.

Thanks in advance
If you are fine with fina and deca stack those together. It will be a good cycle. To make sure you still have a libido and to keep your dick working I would take 50-100mg of proviron a day.
If I took fina and deca together, I would have tits like pamela anderson. I did a EQ, fina and Winstrol (winny) cycle that I got great gains off of.
Thanks for the input. What about you guys that are sensative to Test, are you sensative to EQ as well?
This could help...I would try to run Prop for the test because it seems to help in the gyno department...It 's short acting ...try it with L-dex and you should be fine!
Mr. X said:
Thanks for the input. What about you guys that are sensative to Test, are you sensative to EQ as well?

Eq was designed to be an injectable d-ball, obviously the two don't compare, but a lot of people report the same sides (minus the liver) Have you run d-balls before?

As to the prop, at least if you do ge sensitive to it you can stop taking it and it will be out of your system quickly versus waiting 2 weeks on enan. You should really try femera, it is some potent stuff. Winstrol (winny) is good, but one of the worst on the hair line so if that could be a problem for you I would stay away from it.
Gimp said:
I read somewhere that Fina and Deca stacked would put you at high risk for progesterone induced gyno?

That's true, but many people don't have a problem with it. This guy says he doesn't so I suggested it. Everbodies body is diff.
How sensitive are you to test? Could you take a small dose just to keep winky fuctioning? I would go with fina and a small amout of prop. I would stay away from fina and deca together it will shut you down hard. Your girl will be hating you for a few weeks.
Deadlift said:
If you are fine with fina and deca stack those together. It will be a good cycle. To make sure you still have a libido and to keep your dick working I would take 50-100mg of proviron a day.

Thats why there is so many forms of steroids, different types for different people. Find your type. Why not deca and dbol instead?
Thanks for all of your input! To answer a question, how sensative are you to Test? So bad that 5 days after my first Enan 250 shot, my nips could cut diamonds.... :D I then get a small lump under my right nip, however it goes away after some time and Novla. This was even with me taking Fermara. I know it's crazy....

I took some low doses(20mg/day) of D-bol many years ago, and never noticed any problems. As far as my "winky", even on Fina, the "winky" was happy. He just needed more than the wind blowing for him to get excited. Since I was able to take D-bol before, I thought that EQ would be viable alternative.

I was thinking about running the following:
EQ: 400 or 600 mg, weeks 1-10
Deca: 300 mg, weeks 1-10
I still have Fermara and Nolva as needed, and clomid therapy to wrap things up.
are you that sensitive to test because you have a naturally high level of it as is , or are you a heavy drinker/pot head increasing estrrogen as is already ?
I dont do well with Dbol, my nips are itchy on day 2, but anadrol/tren/deca all in one cycle did not affect me whatsoever, no gyno