I goofed! Said too much while donating blood. Now what...?


New member
Sooo i'm on trt 200mg cyp a week adex hcg all that. I blast once or twice a year. I've been donating every 8-12 weeks and everything's been fine. However, I went the last 3 days in a row to different places and got rejected because both my arms have a tiny little zit within 3 inches of where the needle would go. Got rejected 3 days in a row for this bullshit! It was within a millimeter of the 3" minimum it had to be away from the site. Anyways...out of anger I said something along the lines of "I just need to get this done!" The lady then accused me of having hemacritosis or something like that so I said no I don't have any condition. So she asked why i desperately needed to donate and I said "nevermind". She wouldn't let me leave so I had to tell her i'm on trt. so now there's a little flag next to my name and I can't donate. Goddammit!

What's my best option here? My trt is through IncreaseMyT so I don't know if my actual GP would refer me for a phlebotemy or medical donation or not...What should I do?
Does being on TRT mean you can't donate?

Man I think you need to do whatever you need to get that flag gone. My GP won't prescribe the phlebotomy just to discourage me from taking T injections, I hope yours is not as much of a bitch. But still, relying on the doc would suck. I hope this works out for you.
Wow....what a bitch....can't believe she did that to you bro. Same almost happen to me but I went and talk to one of the managers which happen to be friends with the girl I was dating at the time and she stopped them from flagging me. I admitted I was on trt unaware it would flag me and the goober was going to flag me.
Simple. Just get a note from your doctor stating you don't require therapeutic phlebotomies as part of your TRT. A zit near your antecubital space shouldn't disqualify you at all. Sounds like you're going to some shady places that see a fair deal of IV drug users.

Do what I do; find a red cross near you, make friendly with the staff, and it won't matter really what you say. Hell, I've had fitness and gear (I don't admit anything) discussions several times with the supervisor at mine. Be patient, don't worry too much, and just jump through the hoops you need to.

My .02c :)
TRT doesn't prohibit you from donating. Non dr Rx anabolic steroid use does. I don't personally advertise that I'm on but am not lying on the pre donation questionnaire either.
Get your doctor to write you a prescription if for some reason you truly are blacklisted. But as others have suggested, TRT is not a disqualifier so fight them on that.

Or you could always get a fake ID. :-)
I've got a big fat 1/4" vein on the inside of my elbow and a whole pack of 16 gauge needles. Take about 10-12 minutes to drain 2-3 cups of whole blood into an old soft drink cup. So far I've done this about 6 times without any issues whatsoever. I'm not squeamish in the sight of blood, nor do I ever get lightheaded during. Saves the headache of finding a donation sight, not to mention I'm on Coumadin for an artificial heart valve( they don't want my thinned blood)

After I've had blood drawn countless times, I was fairly confident I could find my vein. Years ago when out of work I would sell my plasma 2x/week. Those morons poking people with needles fukt up a lot. It just didn't seem that hard to me

But hey, it's not for everyone!!
I've got a big fat 1/4" vein on the inside of my elbow and a whole pack of 16 gauge needles. Take about 10-12 minutes to drain 2-3 cups of whole blood into an old soft drink cup. So far I've done this about 6 times without any issues whatsoever. I'm not squeamish in the sight of blood, nor do I ever get lightheaded during. Saves the headache of finding a donation sight, not to mention I'm on Coumadin for an artificial heart valve( they don't want my thinned blood)

After I've had blood drawn countless times, I was fairly confident I could find my vein. Years ago when out of work I would sell my plasma 2x/week. Those morons poking people with needles fukt up a lot. It just didn't seem that hard to me

But hey, it's not for everyone!!
God damn brother I'm hard core, BUT that's hard core shit there.
God damn brother I'm hard core, BUT that's hard core shit there.
Basically that's what someone else does- they take a sharpass needle and stick it in yur vein. I'm just doing it instead of them, and at MY convenience.

Not much difference than mainlining other drugs, just a bigger vein, bigger needle
I've got a big fat 1/4" vein on the inside of my elbow and a whole pack of 16 gauge needles. Take about 10-12 minutes to drain 2-3 cups of whole blood into an old soft drink cup. So far I've done this about 6 times without any issues whatsoever. I'm not squeamish in the sight of blood, nor do I ever get lightheaded during. Saves the headache of finding a donation sight, not to mention I'm on Coumadin for an artificial heart valve( they don't want my thinned blood)

After I've had blood drawn countless times, I was fairly confident I could find my vein. Years ago when out of work I would sell my plasma 2x/week. Those morons poking people with needles fukt up a lot. It just didn't seem that hard to me

But hey, it's not for everyone!!

Unfortunately I do the same as above since red cross flaged me as well for being in Europe more than a year ( cow disease bs )
Basically that's what someone else does- they take a sharpass needle and stick it in yur vein. I'm just doing it instead of them, and at MY convenience.

Not much difference than mainlining other drugs, just a bigger vein, bigger needle

Wow...I suppose that is true in a strange (to me anyway), Cobain kinda way. Hey, whatever works. Just don't pass out!
u dont need to use a big ass needle itll just take a lot longer

Thats a good point! I have some 20ga 1" pins I use to draw from vials. Next time I'll give one of those try. Or 18ga, although I don't have any of those. 16 gauge is pretty damn big though. Don't know if you can wreck your vein but the smaller the better I'm sure
I did it with the 18 gauge needles I keep to draw with. I had my GF who is an Rn to watch and laugh at me though. I seriously think it's best to have someone with you if you do this...I have heard of some shitty outcomes.
I did it with the 18 gauge needles I keep to draw with. I had my GF who is an Rn to watch and laugh at me though. I seriously think it's best to have someone with you if you do this...I have heard of some shitty outcomes.

She is an RN and wouldn't do the blood letting for you? Do you have to suck your own dick too while she laughs at you?
I made sure my wife was in the bathroom when I did it the first few times. I told her if I pass out, pull that syringe/needle out of my arm and press down with a towel until I come to.

However, it was never a problem. Not once have I ever felt light headed or nauseous.
I thought about mentioning buying some med supplies and doing it himself but I was most positive some retard would attempt it while watching tv and drain himself alive. But hey that shit would surely make it on a thousand ways to die right!
Thanks for the help guys. This has been very helpful. I also called IMT last night and they told me they have spoken with RedCross about this before and they are not allowed to deffer me because i'm on testosterone. They were under the impression that I was donating for therapeutic reasons (which I am but shhhhh) which would require a prescription for a special donation where they just throw the blood away after. I'm going to call RedCross today and try to explain the situation (aka lie) and say I'm not donating for therapeutic reasons. They have no proof that it's for therapeutic reasons other than assumption and word of mouth.

As far as a self phlebotamy, I'm not entirely sure how I'd handle that. I'm sure some day when i get used to giving blood I can work my way up to it, but I have a hard time with donating as it is. I have to lay down with my feet up and I can't look at the blood or it's lights out haha. Someday i'll work up the courage because it would be 10X easier.

Thanks again guys.