I goofed! Said too much while donating blood. Now what...?

Check and se if United Blood Services is in your area, or not. Not sure if they are national or local to my area. I haven't had a problem with them. As many others have said TRT should not disqualify you. You are simply keeping your Testosterone in the high end of the normal range, not superphysiological. I still don't put on my info that I'm on TRT, just makes it easier, but in no way should that disqualify you when you're using clean syringes, not sharing, etc. You aren't an IV drug users, and shouldn't be treated like one.
I'm still confused on how she wouldn't let you leave. No one stops me from leaving anywhere. Especially if you walked in on your own 2 feet.
I'm still confused on how she wouldn't let you leave. No one stops me from leaving anywhere. Especially if you walked in on your own 2 feet.

Cuz i'm a big pussy lol. In all honesty I was caught off guard and had no time to assess the situation. She kept firing questions at me and I feel like if i ran out all sketchy it would have been more of a red flag. IDK man lol.
Cuz i'm a big pussy lol. In all honesty I was caught off guard and had no time to assess the situation. She kept firing questions at me and I feel like if i ran out all sketchy it would have been more of a red flag. IDK man lol.

Awww brotha /hug

I wasn't trying to call you out, just was wondering :) Live to fight another day!
Cuz i'm a big pussy lol. In all honesty I was caught off guard and had no time to assess the situation. She kept firing questions at me and I feel like if i ran out all sketchy it would have been more of a red flag. IDK man lol.

When I'm confused or don't understand questions I start punching people in the neck and screaming "Because I'm a mutha fkn G, That's why!" It always works really well until the police arrive. They keep saying bullshit like "I can't just do that to people." Snobs they are.
When I'm confused or don't understand questions I start punching people in the neck and screaming "Because I'm a mutha fkn G, That's why!" It always works really well until the police arrive. They keep saying bullshit like "I can't just do that to people." Snobs they are.

Sometimes you have to listen to the inner tren.