i heard my back crack while doing squats:-( Anyone else ever?

Agree with Carverelli, check your form on your squats, sounds like you had a case of butt wink at the bottom of your squat and just strained your muscles. Like Roush I've herniated both L4 and L5 and I couldn't do anything but lay on the floor and take a fist full of pain killers. Took 4 doctor before one gave me an MRI and that took over a month. Now I'm left with permanent nerve damage on the side of my calf and big toe which isn't a big deal, I don't even notice it anymore. A chiropractor finally fixed me after the injection the doc gave me didn't work. This was 15 years ago and I've been deadlifting ever since with no problems, but I'm anal as hell when it comes to form!!

Anyways good luck, hope you're back to squatting full strength soon!
Appreciate it man! I too believe strict form is key but I probably did compromise it when I pulled my muscle.
Carverelli - I agree & plan to start out light weight for sure....to start out with. I figure I'll give it another week tho and keep hitting the leg curl machinne to keep my legs somewhat strong.

SQUAT- it'll keep Ya honest
If you completely blow out a disc or discs you'll know it.. happened to me, felt like someone was pouring warm water down the back of my legs (that was from the fluid in the disc that had blown out onto the nerves).. As for the pain, unable to move. was crippled up on the floor for hours until the wife got home and her and my son got me on a blanket and used that to pull me across the house to the bedroom to get to bed. Unable to sleep, move, go to the bathroom, hurt to even breath etc.. was bed ridden for months until the surgery. This last time was the second time this had happened and the second back surgery.

If your functioning like a normal person, but with some pain. it will probably subside and get better with rest. If the pain is debilitating you to the point where you can't move, drive a car, function as a normal person, and have to have narcotic pain meds just to attempt to get out of bed. . then you've got a possibly serious bad back problem.

when you blow out something major,, like a disc that blows out backwards and gets lodged against your spinal chord,, you'll know your in serious shit. . but I've had upper back issues that were extremely painful, that I knew it was not major just by the way it felt,, it hurt like hell but was nothing like blowing out a disc. . for that I went to a chiropractor and found out I slipped a few rib heads out of place,, easy fix and the pain was gone.
as for blown disc pain,, there is absolutely no fix and no way to escape the pain.

This is right on. All of what Roush describes is so true and I have experience with this the same. I have a spinal fusion C-8 / T1 from an auto accident combined with degeneration. Also the degeneration is bad at my lumbar region.

I have a chronic back problems but I lift around it. A few years ago I bent over to pick up a bag of dog food. It was half full and I never even got half way up (before the weight) and I heard a horrific Crack, crack, crack and crack very loud. I just hit the floor. I yelled with pain. My wife helped me crawl on my side to the couch where I was unable to get on.

I ended up in the hospital by ambulance I was there for 5 days being pumped with very high narcotics, being only clean from opiates 2 years the dosages almost could not reach the pain. Diagnosed with T2 -T4 protruding discs with #T5 herniated. So as Roush said if you did some real damage you would know it.

However this does not say to eliminate at least a cat scan if you really still are a bit sore. Until you know be careful of course. Stay away from straight compression like doing heavy shrug sand overhead press both sitting and standing.The other guys addressed the squats with you and I agree.

By the way my initial back problem started in 86' when I was not paying attention with my moderate warm up on seated row. Just slinging it up and abruptly stopping the fall of the plates. This is why we vets are so adamant about form and full range movements.

THis is not bro science, I've experience it all and have seen it in the gym over the years. Good luck