I need advice on my cycle between primo, masteron, var, etc.

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So front loading with test prop with test e won't over load your body with test injecting 500 of e and 500 of prop/ wk in the beginning? I guess in others words I'm curious if one takes test e and kicked off the cycle with an oral or short ester is that wrong since test won't be available till week 4 or so? Or does one front load to accomadate the oral or short ester?
if your plan was a 500mg a week of test e cycle, then front loading that with about 100mg EOD of test prop (= 350mg a week of prop) is a good starting point. no you won't overload your system, but you will begin aromatizing right away , and so you would need to run an AI from day one , don't wait until later in the cycle to start an AI.

the whole point in front loading a cycle with a short ester or an equivalent oral is to get things going much quicker while you wait for the longer ester to kick in . the reason getting things going quicker is good, is because your going to begin the shut down of natty production of testosterone , while you wait for the exogenous to kick in . so rather then wait you kick things off with a faster acting compound , that you can stop if you want once the longer acting compound does kick in.
Cool. I'm ordering my cycle tomorrow and making sure I'm dialed in. So my grocery list consists of test e, adex, nolv, and clomid so far. What I'm undecided on is adding mast and var or use the deca and dbol I already have. I'm at about 20% bf so do I blow up then cut or play it safe against gyno or estrogen issues.
Cool. I'm ordering my cycle tomorrow and making sure I'm dialed in. So my grocery list consists of test e, adex, nolv, and clomid so far. What I'm undecided on is adding mast and var or use the deca and dbol I already have. I'm at about 20% bf so do I blow up then cut or play it safe against gyno or estrogen issues.

if you don't want to worry about a whole lot of estrogen or gyno issues . then you can run the test e as your base at a moderate dose of say 350mg . then you run that along with a high dose of Masteron at say 600mg (which will not convert to estrogen , and will free up more testosterone to be used), and you can kick start it with a non-aromatizing oral like T-bol or Var for the first 6 weeks.
^ that would be a very low side, low estrogen , low bloat no gyno cycle. and with the right diet and training you can put on quality mass.

OR you bulk and go for mass and size with the test e , then run the dbol as your oral kickstart and the deca you have with it. If you want things to go even quicker you front load the deca with its short ester NPP .
this can blow you up but you will have to take ancillaries and monitor side effects very closely . you may need to run your standard AI , plus letro on top of it with the dbol , and of course need to control prolactin from the deca so may need caber on cycle as well.
^ this can be done cleanly with no major estrogen issues if you stay on top of it ,, I've done that very cycle myself a couple times

decisions. :)
I put in my order today and in helping me choose which cycle to commit to, I have 1 10ml deca 300 bottle. Is a 10 week cycle of deca 300 per week going to be worth while? If not I will hold off...
I have half of my bottle of sustanon 350 left, any thoughts where I could fit that in or is it now odd man out?
I put in my order today and in helping me choose which cycle to commit to, I have 1 10ml deca 300 bottle. Is a 10 week cycle of deca 300 per week going to be worth while? If not I will hold off...

thats right at the 'bare minimum' of what i would run deca at . you'll get benefit with low sides. You could start it at 400mg and then just add another vial at a later point , one bottle of deca is as cheap as a few trips to mcdonalds
Bahaha I haven't eaten McDonald's in a long time. Ok ok but I'm really getting attached to your idea of test mast and var which I want to front load. I'm just jonesin' to get back to my program and the gym. Just had a baby on the 23rd now it's time to put the women and children to bed and go lookin for fuckin dinner
Bahaha I haven't eaten McDonald's in a long time. Ok ok but I'm really getting attached to your idea of test mast and var which I want to front load. I'm just jonesin' to get back to my program and the gym. Just had a baby on the 23rd now it's time to put the women and children to bed and go lookin for fuckin dinner

you know you can run a low dose of deca with a test and masteron cycle . I just got done doing that myself about 5 months ago. just throw the deca you have in there with the test, mast, and var
Man that sounds tempting... I mean 1 more is the magic number, if I had side issues dialed in or prevention. Like I said i love the way those dbols were treating me but I'm all scared now of facing problems like gyno. Chances are I will come out no matter what fine but everyone's beaten the fear into me non the less. I really want to start on that test and dbol now but I'll be patient and wait for my total cycle to be in hands.
What's the best way to combine compounds in one syringe? That's legit right... I'm used to using 22 g 1 1/2 in glute
as for the Dbol, I'm a huge fan . I run Dbol all the time just as a pre-workout (keep in mind though I'm on TRT and don't ever have to worry about natty recovery or pct) , I also know how to dial in estrogen sides pretty good, I run an standard AI like arimidex on cycle, but when I blast some Dbols here there I will often times add some Letro in the mix to keep estro down even more.

as for mixing compounds in one syringe, thats all dependent on your dosing protocol . Personally I prefer more frequent injections (even daily), I'll mix 100mg of tren, with 25mg of test, and 200mg of masteron, for example, and inject that EOD in one syringe. Or I will back fill slin pins with different compounds that I'm using and inject those every day in different spots (chest, bicep, thigh, etc.)
its all dependent on your dosing those first,, once you get the MG's all figured out and how much cc of each you'll need, you can come up with a dosing protocol and mixing them

i wouldn't do anything with the winny at this point. save it for a cycle way down the road where you want to cut and dry out at the end , or maybe a quick strength boost at the beginning of a cycle
ha Just gat a 5cc syringe and draw all the shit you have in it and inject it. Hell it's all about the gear... just keep stacking...

But in all seriousness why do you want to include any and all of what you have in one cycle. Sorry if i'm off on this note. Might be ? :dunno: but it seems... oh well

Good luck
Yo Roush could one front load a mast e and test e cycle with tren ace and anavar? Or am I reaching for the stars here? Also when would one cycle anadrol?
Yo Roush could one front load a mast e and test e cycle with tren ace and anavar? Or am I reaching for the stars here? Also when would one cycle anadrol?

it wouldn't technically be a front load, as a 'front load' is when you kick start one compound with its faster acting counter part , example: you run Deca, but then you add NPP (which is fast acting Deca) along side it for the first few weeks.
if you go with a totally different compound that is fast acting then your main compound then your just adding and stacking . which is fine too.

as for using Tren with masteron and test. that is totally fine, in fact that is one of the most tired and true stacks there is , imo. I just got off a test, tren, mast stack about 5 days ago. and yes you could run an oral with that stack like Var as well. keep your testosterone dose low and thats a very low aromatizing stack with little estrogen sides to worry about.

i'd run anadrol as a solo kick start with test if you wanted to try it, but its not going to be a whole lot better then dbol , and you have to take a lot more mg per mg of it.
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